View Full Version : MILD headache issue NEED REPLY

15-11-12, 20:49
I have posted here about mild headache issues in the past. Numerous times actually, BUT MILD headaches that began in July of 2011, so it was for about 15 months. I had seen drs & it was ruled out that it was anything serious like brain tumor which I was freaking out over. The dr knew it wasn't tumor because it was so mild. & I had NO neurological symptoms , but ruled it out for my peace of mind. Bottom line was that it was combo of tension & sinus, butt mainly tension. Now the reason I'm posting today is becàuse for about the last 2 to 3 weeks this mild but chronic head issue had I'd say almost vanished 100 percent & now is acting up again, BUT STILL MILD. PLEASE. Someone read this post, BUT ALSO look back at my previous posts on THIS topic. I'm puzzled. This is mild but chronic. It's like having a fly in your house that you can't really totally get rid of, & if you do get rid of it, another fly replaces it. It's more annoying than pain. Headache is minimal but annoying. Has anyone had anything like this or know of anything similar? Don't suggest drs PLEASE because I've been down that road a million times already. I just need feedback on this PLEASÈ OR OPINIONS. Thank You!

15-11-12, 20:54
I get quite a lot of mild headaches but it is mostly tension and I also suffer with sinus problems which also causes headaches. I am sure it seems to be the same with you. I usually put one of those microwavable wheat bags on my head which helps to ease it.

15-11-12, 21:24
I had a mild headache for a long time.
It ended when a very stressful situation/worry ended for me.

I think mild head aches are often caused by stress/anxiety. I know mine was.

What happens if you take pain killers for a few days?:hugs:

15-11-12, 21:43
I am currently having the same issue. Do you have any neck or shoulder pain, because I do and I think this makes my head ache all the time but in a really mild way. Like I can carry on just fine but now and again I'm stopping and thinking, ouch my head still hurts.

It went away last month when I went to my sisters and for 10 days striaght I had no headaches or lightheadedness or neck pain.

Now im home and worrying more its getting worse again, back to neck pain and annoying non headache.

I would say it is anxiety or at least its what i have been led to believe.

After some massage to my shoulders I get some relief, have you tried booking a massage?

20-11-12, 01:48
Hi justina, thank you for replying & I am sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I don't really need pain killers but they seem to address the headache even tho it's mild.