View Full Version : Still feel terrible

Silly Blonde
17-08-06, 11:29
As the week has gone on, my nausea seems to be getting a little better (probably as the mirtazapine gets back into my system) although my tummy pains are as bad as ever.

I am trying so hard to reassure myself that I have had a pelvic ultrasound, so surely this can't be ovarian cancer, but I still feel so ill.

I'm panicking because I only had the external ultrasound (not the internal one) and so worried that they may have missed something. But then again I suppose that they would have done the internal one if anything remotely suspicious showed up on the external one.

I am mid-cycle, so these are probably ovulation pains, but how come they are so crippling?????????????? I have never suffered with these before I had health anxiety.......!!!???!!

Just want the pain to go away:(

17-08-06, 11:40

this sounds like a classic case of anxiety induced irritable bowel syndrome, and believe me it can be that painful. if you have had this test then it is adequate and you are right if there was the slightest suspicion then they would have dug deeper. obviously there was no need

if i had posted these fears what wise reply would you have given me?

you would have said that my fears were merely my thoughts and that they were giving rise to possibilities that just werent there

please have faith in your doctor to tale care of you


Silly Blonde
17-08-06, 11:48
Thanks Jackie.

My problem is I don't anyone. The psychologist has pinpointed my Mum's death 4 years ago as the trigger. She was a practice manager at a doctors surgery and so whenever I had a niggle or a pain I would call her. She would either know herself or would ask the doctors - instant reassurance.

Since her death - there is a huge void, I have lost my source of reassurance, hence the endless trips to the doctors and the Googling.

I am not ashamed of having health anxiety, just really struggle to accept that a mental condition can cause or make worse such awful physical symptoms.

Thanks again for the support - I know you are right deep down, but just struggling with the acceptance!


SB xx

17-08-06, 11:54
SB you have us. pm me any time. and if you need your doctor just go. no feeling ashamed

and do know that anxiety can cause all the symptoms and more. last night i had a whole new symptom and after 5 years am still getting new and wonderful ones.lol

horrible i know but i assure you your doc cannot afford to miss anything. we only here of the bad things gps do now but think of the every day things they do

try to have faith in us and the doc

do you have any family


( or are they all like mine, great but havent a clue )

17-08-06, 12:37
Do you know what, im convinced we give ourselves these aches and pains, in the areas we are concerned about, because you are thinking you have cancer you have pains in your tummy, and the more you worry the longer your pains will stay...

I know its hard but please accept the reassurance from your doctor, and if you feel like going back, then go, if just for the furthur reassurance....
I get alsorts of aches and pains, particularly pelvic pain in the last 2 weeks of my cycle, and IBS symptoms, but like you i never had anything before anxiety took hold....shouldnt this tell us something?????

please try to stop worrying, have you tried a pain killer, as i find this helps us to forget about our aches and pains for a while...just to give you a break???
take care

Silly Blonde
17-08-06, 12:54
Thanks you two!!

Jackie - yes, my family are great, but clueless. My first husband (I'm newly married - and Dad says I should always refer to him as my "first" to keep him on his toes!!!;)) is really great, but I don't listen to him or anyone else for that matter!!

And as for the pain - I will get my TENS machine out and stick it permanently to my stomach.

You're right when you say we only seem to develop these symptoms with the anxiety. I have always had IBS - but never this bad! Problem is - instead of accepting that it is the anxiety, the nasty voice in my head tells me that it must be the big C and the increased pain means it is getting worse.

My stomach has always been my weak spot. I even remember having bad tummy pains when I was about 11, and then again when I was cruelly dumped by my first love!! At the time, my GP dismissed it as a grumbling appendix - but I guess it must have been the start of IBS and my anxiety.

Anyway - thanks for all the reassurance - off to get my TENS machine out for the pain....!!


SB xx

17-08-06, 13:57
hey SB.
As youknow I am struggling big time this week with accepting my head pains as anxiety. Just starting having some reflexology and Reiki to see if this can help.....I will try anything if I am hinest.

I just wanna feel normal, and am getting more and more frustrated.

Hope you feel better soon xx

Hay x