View Full Version : worried about brain tumor now

17-08-06, 13:02
Hi Guys

well as the title says im really worring there is something seriously wrong, ive had tonsilitis finished the antibiotics, still have white stuff on tonsils, also had sinisitus, which is still lingering on, anyway i have had this pain on and off in the back of my neck/head and im worrying, i went to the drs and she said my throat was still inflammed and glands are up a bit but no need for more medicine,so why isn;t it stopping, right as we speak i have pressure in my ears and an ache in the back of my neck, do u think it can all be connected? im also starting a anew job 2night, i havent worked in 6 years im really looking 4ward to it but worrying i will pass out at work or something.

any ideas??
leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

17-08-06, 13:12
Hi Leanne

The pain in your head is most likely to do with your sinuses, also the prressure in your ears.
Have you tried steam inhalation for your sinuses, it really does help.
I'm sure you will be fine in work tonight and the distraction will do you good.

Here if you want a chat

Take care

Elaine x

17-08-06, 13:18
Hi Elaine

thanks so much for replying, i will try the steam thing, do i add anything to the water?

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

17-08-06, 13:36
Hi there, sorry you feel so rough right now, if possible (if only) try to feel re-assured by your doctor, sinisitus does linger, and gives all the symptoms you describe, I knew some-one with a brain tumour and it didn't produce any of the symtoms you describe. I also believe the anxiety has set in because of your new job! You will cope fine mate, you will not keel over, nor will you faint, everyone gets anxious before a new job, spoil yourself beforehand and let us know how well it went. Good lukck xx

17-08-06, 13:55
I have head problems all the time.
I am constantly worried its a brain tumour. Having a bad time of it at the mo if i am honest. Trying to accept that it is an anxiety symptom i am really struggling with this week.

I have been feeling like this now for 9 months. I think maybe soemthing would have happened by now if i had a tumour...dont you think?

Good luck for tonight x

Hay x

17-08-06, 14:09
Hi Hayley,
My auntie had a brain tumour last year, her face was so disfigured, her eyes were goggly and she could hardly speak or see. It was picked up at an eye test.
I was worrying I had a tumour last year, I had an eye test and it reassured me no end.
Sinusitis can give awful headaches, I suffer with chronic siusitis and I bet thats why im suffering with headaches & ear pains.I am going back to the dr tomorrow.
Stress can cause alot of muscle aches & pains in the neck, ive got them now.
HOnestly if you had a tumour your vision would be so blurred you wouldn't be sitting there typing.

13-01-10, 10:40
I am 29 yr old male and for the last two months I've had headaches on most days and a lot of nights. They're not made worse by reading, using a computer, watching tv etc so are not likely eye related. They don't get worse after eating particular things so are not likely diet related. They seem to be made worse with certain head movements, exercise, singing and are worst when lying down at night and in the morning so are not likely tension related. I've seen two doctors both of whom checked my blood pressure which was normal and looked in my eyes for signs of pressure which were normal. I paid to have an MRI scan done privately which didn't show anything. However I'm still really worried as I was not given a contrast dye injection before the scan and have since found out that without this a tumor could go unnoticed, is this true?