View Full Version : Heart monitor

17-08-06, 13:18
Hi Guys

Im really worrying(whats new)as i have to get a holter monitor fitted next week for 24 hours.
Im 36 weeks pregnant and have been having major ectopics/flutters/palps along with a very fast pulse,i.e sitting here now its about 100bpm,and considering im sitting down thats fast!!

Im panicking about going into labour and something happening to me,or even before that
Sorry for going on,im so scared[V]
Hunny x

17-08-06, 14:37
hi hunny, try not to worry, the holter moniter is just to reassure you that your heart is fine....i had one fitted for 48 hours a few months ago , mine showed i was getting ectopics, but thats all.....
Can i ask, did you get the ectopics and flutters before you was pregnant too? I think because you are stressed and worried naturally about going into labour, thats what is making your ectopics worse...also being anxious raises our pulse too, which is normal...
Just think the moniter is just going to confirm your ectopics thats all...nothing else! Let us know how you get on...
take care and good luck

17-08-06, 15:19
Thanks for replying
Yes,i got ectopics etc before i was pregnant,but they seemed to go away,but they are so much worse now

Hunny x

Two heads
17-08-06, 18:16
I had a monitor a few months a go,you will be fine hun.Im sure all it will show is your eptopics.I get alot of these sometimes and othertimes they just seen to die right down.
On tuesday im haveing an echo and im really dreading that!In fact im taking my sis in with me as i caut do it a lone.So i know how scarey these things can be,you are not a lone.
Good luckxxxx

17-08-06, 18:51
hunny 100 bpm is so normal in pregnancy and the reason im sure that you are getting a monitor on is because you are noticing the changes in your heart, others without anxiety would have them but not notice

mine was 130 the whole way through a twin pregnancy and 100 in a normal pregnancy and i was told that was totally normal

please try not to worry


17-08-06, 20:18
hi hunny

i think jackie is right mine is 100 sometimes when and im not pregnant
i have ectopics all the time and they were worse when i was pregnant and happend while i was in labor and i was fine the doctor was very understanding and good with me iv also had a monitor n about a month ago it showed lots of ectopics and the doc sead i was fine nothing to stress about try not to worry im sure you will be fine
jo x

20-08-06, 20:35
Hi Hunny
Just to reinforce what has already been said, I've had 3 pregnancies and had racing pulse from about 16 wks onwards- it is normal and perfectly healthy. I also had the 24hr ECG havent had results yet so I take it the docs weren't too worried!
Regarding the Echocardiogram I also had this it is a little uncomfortable in parts but doesn't hurt.

23-08-06, 14:17
Hi Hunny
All your symptoms I had when I was pregnant in 1954,,,and I am still here,,,now aged 79,
Worrying about it will only make it happen more...
Even now I get missed heart beats and palpitations when i get stressed,.and it has been that way all these years...yet sometimes when I am feeling low , i still get the jitters.