View Full Version : Having Setback

17-08-06, 13:38
Hi everyone, not been here for a few months because i have been doing so well with only a few dodgy days, i was just starting to get better in shop ques and have been living life near normal part from shopping in the supermarket which seems to make me really tired but i still did it each and every week. This setback started about 7 days ago, for a week prior to that i was really worring because i had found two lumps on my neck, anyway my doctor thinks its nothing to worry about and my lymph gland is just slighly swollen. I had a different brand of propranolol and soon after taking them i started to feel lightheaded and that continued for 7 days so i finely went the doctors because i thought it was the new propranolol giving me lightheadiness all day and managed to get a prescription for my old ones, yesterday on the way to the shop i was overcome with lightheadiness and that fear i might faint but i still managed to go into the shop and get what i wanted even though it was very uncomfortable. Just don't know if it was the new brand of propranolol causeing me to get lightheadiness or if i am having a setback. Just not feeling great today because of all the hardwork i put into overcoming the fainting feeling during the last year and now maybe its back. I know setbacks are important but this is my first bad setback if it is a setback.

17-08-06, 15:44
Hi Paul

Sorry that you are not feeling on top form at the moment but what you have to remember is that this is just a blip and will pass. You have been doing so well that it would be a shame to let it all go now. I know its hard but try to remain positive and put the bad stuff down to not feeling well and the new meds.

Take Care

17-08-06, 17:55
I think this blip is down to me having late nights and worrying so much about the lumps i had. Ive just walked 1 mile and been into town and everything, felt funny at first but that passed and managed to spend a few hours in town with only a little lightheadiness. I got absolutly soaked by the rain but i don't care. I'm feeling a little better now & hopefully this current blip will pass in a few days.

17-08-06, 21:01
Well done for getting into town and staying there, which is sometimes the hardest part!

I was amazed to read your post as I have been doing quite well recently and even managed a weeks holiday a fortnight ago, but I became really anxious the past week and i put that down to being worried i would let my kids down on holiday etc.

So I went to my doctor on Tuesday and he gave me Propophanol(u no what i mean) and since then I have felt awful with the same symptoms you have described. I coudnt finish my shopping last night and had to leave my trolley and rush out. Today I could only rush into my small local shop get what i wanted and rush out again and as a result I have felt really down today.

So I'm hoping for both of us that we are suffering the side effects of new medication and we are not regressing to our old ways - the thought itself of going back to all that is soul destroying in itself!

Keep us informed on your progress - would be interested to hear how this goes.