View Full Version : Excess salva and constant swallowing

16-11-12, 09:19
Does anyone have this excess saliva with constant swallowing? I'm really at wits end with it been going on since July.assuming its to do with my anxiety but..it's like a vicious circle saliva swallow saliva swallow...

16-11-12, 10:42
Hi Shazy :)
I was dealing with this for 3 months (not aslong as you) but I understand how frustrating it is, it's horrid.
You have to find the root of your anxiety and deal with it. Mine was a phobia of cancer, when my doctor did a full check up on me, all over, the feeling went away after a quick nap haha!

16-11-12, 10:48
Do you think the root of it could be thinking about illnesses and death all the time.

16-11-12, 11:14
Of course my dear.
I was obsessed that I had lymphoma, tonsil cancer, throat cancer, oral cancer, tongue cancer, thyroid cancer, so I was constantly anxious which for me, leads to constant swallowing, lump in throat and sickness.
The reason you keep swallowing is because you're thinking about it, you're not meant to think about swallowing, as it's something our mind does by itself, like breathing, if you think about breathing, it will start to get heavier. So many things I like this, you have nothing to worry about ^.^
If you are afraid of illness, I suggest a quick trip to the Doctor as he can check you over and tell you you're fine :)

16-11-12, 20:23
Feel embarrassed going to docs tho...

17-11-12, 09:12
Shazy...my GP said that swallowing symptoms etc were the most common symptoms that people presented to him when they had anxiety. So, if you have a good GP, try not to feel silly about seeing her/him about this.


18-11-12, 10:05
Sam thank you for your replies.i just find it hard to find something else to focus on, I'm that sort of person who really needs something to get or keep me focused on something else..

18-11-12, 10:48
hi shazy, i had excess saliva, throat tightness, constant swallowing for nearly 8 months, mine has settled down now, for a few months i kept thinking there was something sinister going on with my throat ect.... gp said it was stress related and very common, i went through a phase of not eating much for months, and have lost over a stone in weight, its suprising how it can get to you, yours will get better too take care:hugs:

20-11-12, 19:19
Hi Susan. How did you get over this symptom?

20-11-12, 21:52
hi, i just relaxed more after realising it was me doing it, i still get these symptoms but alot milder and not everyday, i thought it would never go away, and thought i had something awfall because the symptoms are so scary, but now if i get a slight throat tightening i just ignore it and it goes away, relaxation and positive thinking helps alot, it will die down eventually, i still get the saliva thing now and again but i take my mind of it by doing things, and not thinking about it, its hard but you will get there in the end:hugs:

26-11-12, 17:05
Hi Susan, most probably could understand the swallowing but where does this horrible saliva come from?? Have or did you go to the drs with it?

16-06-14, 14:12
hi, do you still have the saliva probs ? yes i still have loads of saliva, now and again, just appearing in my mouth the more i think about it the worse it gets,not only that but due to the constant swallowing i keep swallowing air and then my throat gets tight, and i burp alot ect.... i have had this vicous circle for nearly 3 years every other day, i even had a barium swallow 2 years ago and the result was mild acid reflux and to this day i get it still to date its horrible if you need to chat you can pm me if you like take care sue x:hugs: