View Full Version : I shouldn't of done it:-(

17-08-06, 15:01
I have been worrying for a few weeks about how tired I am, headaches, back pain and heavy peroids in the last few months that last beyond 7 days.

I know I shouldn't of but I read up what these symptoms could be linked to, already thought of leaukemia in the back of my head. I read that with leaukemia you suffer from tiredness, heavy periods in women:-(, bruising etc........ I dont have the bruising as such, I have a few yellow ones but nothing bad, im not having heavy night sweats, no nose bleeds or gums bleeding, etc..... but I feel seriously shattered and my periods are not usually heavy and on going.

I had a horrible feeling that the heavy periods & tiredness were symptoms of leauekmia from when I use to read up a couple of years ago.

I am seeing my GP tomorrow and im worried sick, I know he will try to say its just anxiety but this isn't, I seriously feel ill im that tired:-( and all this started before the kids got chicken pox, ive not felt right in weeks. I don't want to go in there saying 'I have leaukemia' but I am concerned as to why im feeling this tired & why my periods are dragging on, they are not as heavy as they were but they seem to go on & on. I am on day 7 now and im still bleeding8-)

I am on my own as dh is away in Dublin, I feel like crying:'-( I know I had the same worried 2 yrs ago but thist ime I can see past the anxiety, this is a genuine concern, I feel so tired and totally exhasuted it just cannot be '3 kids' related.

Sorry to post yet again.


17-08-06, 15:17
Hi Ju

First of all you MUST stop googling as it is making your anxiety 10 times worse.
I am sure there is a straightforward answer as to why you are feeling so tired, you could well have picked up the chicken pox virus without realising, Anxiety can make you feel very lethargic and with 3 kids as well it is hard for you, my periods were up the swanee for months when my anxiety was acute, this horrible thing can affect us far more than we realise.
You are doing the right thing by going to the GP tomorrow and hopefully he will be able to put your mind at rest, you didn't have leukaemia 2 years ago and you haven't got it now.
Try and stay positive, here if you want a chat

Take care

Elaine x

17-08-06, 15:19
Thanks Lainey,
I really hope so, ive not felt well in myelf for over 6 weeks now, funny though how its since I came off my anti ds.
I am so scared:-(

17-08-06, 15:32
Just wanted to send you some ((((hugs))))
This anxiety business is exhausting
My periods were also very heavy and painful for a time,there was never an explanation but im sure you dont have leukaemia sweetie.
Stress/depression and anxiety can wreak havoc with your body

The tiredness is probably caused by you being a busy mum and also due to the constant anxiety you are feeling which can be so so draining
Hunny x

17-08-06, 15:34
Thanks Hunny,
I really hope so, I feel so close to tears. I just re read the symptoms and I only had 2 out of about 10!!

17-08-06, 17:30
Hi Jem,

Googling is the worst thing us health anxiety sufferers could do hun. Believe me I'm very experienced in googling lol. Hope you feel better soon and I'm thinking of you.

Take Care



17-08-06, 17:52
Thanks Mandy

17-08-06, 20:25
my periods were all over the place when my anxiety started and i went on nhs direct and freaked out at symptoms cos they were the same-but i went to docs had some swabs etc and all was fine. anxiety can play all sorts of tricks with your body.
dont let it fool you

we are all stronger people after having this

17-08-06, 22:41
Thanks Juju, scary isn't it.

Glad you were ok.

18-08-06, 07:47
Hi Jem,

just a thought but as well as having anxiety and being a mum of three who have all been unwell lately, the fact that your periods are heavy and lasting longer than usual could be dragging you down. Lots of women with heavy,lengthy periods are anaemic because of the blood loss every month and that would make you feel exhausted. Anyway your GP should be able to sort that out if thats the case. So if you think about it you have 3 far more likely explanations for your tiredness.

Hope you feel better soon.

Coni X

18-08-06, 08:33
Thanks COni, yes you are right, it probably is because ive had a 3rd child only 11mths ago and since then my anxiety, periods and lifestyle has been all over the place. I am worn out, loL! I get 6 hours sleep a night but everyone tells me thats why im so tired but its never made me feel this tired before.

18-08-06, 10:01
Hi Ju

Good luck at the GP's today, I'm sure everything will be ok. Let us know how you get on.

Take care

Elaine x

18-08-06, 13:03
Thanks, I will do.