View Full Version : Pulse in right side of head above ear

16-11-12, 13:17
I'm getting really worked up :(

Got in from work this morning (i work nights) and i noticed a pulse above my right ear towards the temple, all around their. I know there is an artery around their but it doesn't pulsate with the pulse of my heart as i have checked :(

It's like it pulsates like a heart beat, then it will go really rapid and then go slow, then stop for a few seconds, then carry on :(

Anxiety for me in general is pretty bad, am on edge a lot and my health anxiety makes things worse.

I am obsessing over it and keep checking, over and over and over again to try and figure out what it is, but i know all i'm doing is making myself worked up :(

I've consulted google and i can't find a NICE answer to stop me worrying :(

I've been convinced for years i have a brain tumor, and this is just another thing to add to my belief that i do. Everything makes sense and it all adds up. i'm hoping i'm wrong.

Has anybody else had this kind of feeling in their head? did it go away?

I'm really worried and i hate obsessing!!!


16-11-12, 13:21
I have the same thing and like you was really worried about it. I have noticed that the more anxious I get the more I hear it. I went to my doctor and he explained about the artery and the fact that when you are anxious the blood rushes round your head and that is when you hear the beating sound.