View Full Version : Question for people who use Beconase Nasal Spray or Vicks Nasal Stick

16-11-12, 13:27
Hello, I have a Question for people who use either Beconase Nasal Spray or Vicks Nasal Stick.

I was given Beconase Nasal Spray by my doctor several times but find it hard to use because of a possilbe side effect but when I have to my doctor about it they just say nothing so I suffer in quiet with headaches that i have been tolf is caused but my Sinuses.

Right what happens is when i have used Beconase Nasal Spray I use it properly first in right nostril fine BUT when I use it in the left nostril IT gives me horrid shooting pains that starts from the nasal passage and goes right through my head like a lightning bolt and it stings really bad.

I know nolonger us it but roughly the same thing happens with a vicks nasal stick right nasal passage fine but left one it seems to like flood right into my nasal passage giving me a mild shooting pain that floods the left hand side off my head.

I get headaches alot on my left side of the head that can sting or shooting pains or headpressue.

Has anyone else had the same side effect from either, is it a common thing with using them or is it just me.

16-11-12, 13:47
I have used beconase nasal spray and also vicks but to be honest I haven't found them effective for sinus problems. The advise I would give is to alternate hot and cold compresses over the top of your nose/below your eyes. 10 minutes each. Also if you get some menthol crystals from the chemist and put a couple of crystals (they are very strong) in a bowl of boiling water, put your face over the bowl with a towel over your head. This method clears the sinus and was recommended by my doctor. When the sinus pain is on top of my head I often put a microwavable lavender wheat bag on my head. Hope this helps you. :)

16-11-12, 13:59
I have used beconase nasal spray and also vicks but to be honest I haven't found them effective for sinus problems.

I agree with that.
I'm was afraid to say hooked on the vicks nasal stick and have found out they can do more damage than good to the sinuses if over used.

I respect you opinion (I respect everyones opinion) and was hoping you would reply to this thread.

But what I cannot get over it the shooting pains both seem to cause in in the leftside of my head.

I know my headaches are a mix of sinus pressure and tension also tmj (I say tmj because I get headpains when chewing and talking so must have a touch of that).

But as you and other know it is hard sometime to cope with headaches that last for hours and sometimes days on end and with me it is always the left hand side.

Thank you for your reply and advise I will follow it up. I was at one stage using tiger balm red and white i think I may get somemore of that as well (just funny having your forehead looking like you have been tango'd:winks:)

Cheers Chris

16-11-12, 14:15
I get the shooting pains too but mine is usually on my right side :) I am sure it is just related to which side the sinus are affected and not really worried about it :) I hope you manage to get them cleared. I have to say that mine usually start to get better then they get worse again.

16-11-12, 14:24
It has been a constant battle with my headaches link with my sinuses for years now. All my doctor has told me to do is use naproxen just with and see but you advice really sound the way to go.

Hopefully it will get rid the tenderness I get on my left temple my'o'my is that tender at times but atleast I know it is nothing to sinsiter as I have had it for years. As it would be if i believe everything google said.

16-11-12, 19:30
have you tried using a nasal flush, you use salt water and you need a srynge, push the water up one nostrel and let it go through n out other nostrel and same other side, look up on google n it tells you exactly what to do, the salt helps with infection too, am surprised doc aint suggested? :hugs:

16-11-12, 22:12
have you tried using a nasal flush, you use salt water and you need a srynge, push the water up one nostrel and let it go through n out other nostrel and same other side, look up on google n it tells you exactly what to do, the salt helps with infection too, am surprised doc aint suggested? :hugs:

Thanks camperlady I will look that up. My doctor is not the best in the world and thats being nice:blush:

16-11-12, 22:15
have you tried using a nasal flush, you use salt water and you need a srynge, push the water up one nostrel and let it go through n out other nostrel and same other side, look up on google n it tells you exactly what to do, the salt helps with infection too, am surprised doc aint suggested? :hugs:

I tried this but must admit I had difficulty with it, I found it quite uncomfortable.

17-11-12, 00:16
it can be a bit uncomfortable n messy untill u get used to it, not a pleasant thing to do but if it helps, my doctor as given me a nasal spray called rhinocort now too n thats quite good too xxxx:hugs:

17-11-12, 02:43
i love nasal saline rinses, once you get the hang of it it's very good. i've used those nasal sprays as well and gotten the same feeling. they work well for me but you have to make sure you only use them a short period of time.