View Full Version : feeling giddy .

16-11-12, 16:51
i have been on here before, i use to get some good feedback from people, but i dont anymore, i hope i do today, this anxiety never leaves me, i have good days when i can go out on my own and feel shaky and wierd but have a bit of confidence to persevere, but today i feel dizzy inside, very low, and its an effort to walk, i have a lot of aggro with my yonger brother who stopped speaking to me a year ago,i have the worry of an elderley mother who is 90 and getting weeker, when i take her to hospital, its a struggle to push the wheelchair, and she dont understand anxiety, i got up in the night to make a hot drink, but felt giddy when i laid back down, i have read all claire weekes books, and she says go out however you feel, and take what comes, do other people get like i do? its a very lonely illness isnt it. i would really appreciate some remarks, as i have tried to explain to my husband, and he just says take it easy, thanks.:wacko:

16-11-12, 16:55
Hi Are you on any medication or have you had any counselling to help you?

16-11-12, 17:37
I really do empathise with you Lavender I'm also very low at the moment and just want to go and curl up in a corner somewhere it's a very lonely illness, health anxiety.

I think it scares other people to be honest, my husband is good most of the time but sometimes he does try the "pull yourself together woman" bit which obviously never works!

As for your giddiness I think this is definately a stress symptom and there is something which I believe is call positional vertigo, which means it will come on if you move your head too quickly or change positions, ie standing to laying down or turning over too quickly in bed. I do get this a lot especially if I've had a cold as it's to do with the fluid in your ear and it's really common. I actually went to the doctors once as I was worried and they just gave me some tablets which really helped.

If it's difficult to go out have you thought about taking up a hobby you can do at home, something that can perhaps make you feel better and give you something to focus on?

Easier said than done I know last weekend I was in a major panic over cervical cancer and couldn' leave the house so I do know what it's like :hugs:

I hope you start to feel better soon but it certainly sounds like you have a lot on your plate and I'm sure stress/anxiety is making you feel like this.

16-11-12, 20:47
thanks munchlet for your reply, its nice to get a reply, knowing we are all in the some boat,i had a hot shower this morning to liven me up with some new lavender body wash, it made me feel more tired, i have tried counselling, but talking about things makes me more fatiqued, know what i mean, i used to take medication years ago, which gave me muscle spasms and wierd side effects,si i binnd the lot, and tried to get through it by reading claire weekes books, and listening to her tapes and video, i think i must get water in my ears with the shower. which makes me feel worse, i went to the carers office last week, and i had a facial, which was lovely, yes you are right i do need to fill my day with some positive vibes. thanks for your help.:)

---------- Post added at 20:47 ---------- Previous post was at 20:36 ----------

thanks annie0904 for your reply i used to be on medication years ago. which didnt agree with me, i really would like to get to feeling a bit better as my daughter wants me to vsit her in america next year, i wish i could find a really good doctor or counsellor to help me. as i have really had enough of this, the resposibility i have got with my mother, drags me down. i went to the carers association a few weeks back, and they told me to start thinking about my needs, and i am joining a befriending group december. that will be hard as i find it difficult to talk to people as i feel that they notice things, its hard as i know you understand. thanks anyway.:)

16-11-12, 21:10
Defintely think the water in the ears could be causng the giddiness Lavender

Anyway you obviously need to have more facials, that will make you feel better :D

I'm here if you ever need to vent, feel free to PM me I mean it when I say I know how you feel and I think it's just nice sometimes to be able to talk to people who can relate to what you are going through and don't judge you or think you are completely bonkers.

Take care