View Full Version : Convinced i have HIV

16-11-12, 19:19
I don't really know where to begin because my mind is racing right now. Basically, i've had a swollen lymph node on the left side of my neck that's come back twice now. The first time it happened, i went to see the doctor and she said i was just fighting off a virus and to take some paracetamol, which i did. It went away after about 5 days and i completely forgot about it (that was 2 years ago) up until this week when it was slightly swollen again in the same place.

I went back to the doctor today and she checked all my lymph nodes. She said that the one that was bothering me was slightly swollen but i have no other swollen lymph nodes. She booked me in for an ultra sound on my neck to check to see why it was swollen again and i've also got a blood test in a few weeks. I hate that i have to wait this long. She told me not to worry but i'm terrified.

I'm scared that it's HIV or cancer. I've only ever slept with one person but we didn't use a condom and we had a causal relationship for a while. I've heard from people that he's used a lot of girls. I feel like my life is over. I'm only 25 years old. I've considered taking my own life because i know i couldn't cope if it was something serious. Can any other stds cause swollen lymph nodes or is it just HIV? The guy i slept with is in a relationship now and i've cut contact with him. I remember ages ago him putting on Facebook that he had swollen glands but i don't know if that was mono or something because a few weeks after i got the same thing.

16-11-12, 20:13
The only way to know if it's HIV is to get tested, get a full std while you are it as most have little symptoms but are very treatable.
ALWAYS get tested after being with a new partner.

But the only symptom you have is one swollen node, people get those all the time.
It really doesn't mean anything except your body is fighting of a minor infection or virus.

Everything causes cancer and every symptom can be a symptom of cancer .
you'll drive yourself up the wall worrying about things you have no control over and more than likely wont ever happen.

the main thinks to look out for, are things like actually being ill, fevers, lumps that get bigger and don't go away, a symptom that is persistent., a sore that doesn't heal up,
breast lumps should usually be seem by your doctor, lymph nodes in your collar one area should usually get checked out, or really big ones or of you have quite a few of them.
I have lots of lymph nodes in my neck which i think is due to sinus infections, they've been there now a few years.

16-11-12, 20:15
If your doctor thought it was something serious you wouldn't have to be waiting weeks for blood tests and ultrasound. You are jumping to the worst scenario when it is probably something quite simple. Hopefully the tests will reassure you. :hugs:

18-11-12, 20:02
That's the earliest date they could do. I'm sure the doctor told me to tell the receptionist that it was urgent.

Mr Brownstone
18-11-12, 20:57
As I understand blood tests, unless you've specifically asked them to check for HIV, they wont be testing for it. On the plus side, I cant see that that is what you have. I had HIV anxiety once...worst period of my life. Whilst the internet might tell you that a swollen lymph node could be a symptom, it generally doesnt mention that if you get HIV symptoms, they hit you hard, not just a swollen lymph node here and there. My doc also told me that, after the initial period of symptoms (which could be weeks), its unlikely you'd see any more symptoms for 5-10 years. I very much doubt you have anything that serious. As another person has mentioned, your nodes often swell at a minor infection.