View Full Version : Scared of taking Fluoxetine?

16-11-12, 19:29
Hi guys.

Today I was prescribed with Fluoxetine and I've heard they can make you throw up/feel nauseous, which I have a terrible phobia of. I haven't been on anti-depressents before and I just would like some reassurance that I will be alright taking them?

I've been on countless medication before and none have made me throw up or feel really nauseous, except for really strong asprins.

I don't mind having any other side effect as long as it isn't throwing up or feeling really nauseous.

What should I do? Should I just suck it up and take them? Or should I just leave it? :unsure:


16-11-12, 19:42
Personally I had a really upset tummy with bad indigestion type pain but I did not feel sick or was sick, the doctor told me to take plenty of gaviscon which did help a lot, I did not have any appetite but tried to eat something even a bite of biscuit or toast every two hour. The indigestion did wear off and I did have different side effects for five and a half weeks, it was not easy at times and I did hit rock bottom more than once but it was so so worth it as I feel good now.

The choice is yours and whether the suffering you have now is something you can put up with or take something that may help it has to be your decisiion.

16-11-12, 19:47
When I started my medication I did feel nauseous for the first few days, but I was never actually sick. I hardly ate anything for the first few days because of this. Thankfully my appetite soon came back.

I think you should take them if you feel you need them. I've just had a quick look at your previous threads, and I saw the one where you said you felt suicidal at one point. So I think it would be best to go ahead with the medication as this should help you with your depression. If it doesn't work, or if the side effects are too severe, you can always talk to your doctor about switching to something else.

Take care. :hugs:

16-11-12, 20:08
Hi, I was very nauseous during my first weeks of fluoxetine. My husband bought fresh ginger root, and I ate small bits of it. It actually helped.

---------- Post added at 21:08 ---------- Previous post was at 21:05 ----------

Also, I found out that it was better to take the tablet with a little food. I was more nauseous when I took it on an empty stomach. Good luck:)

16-11-12, 20:54
I've been on fluoxetine 3 times - none of the times I took it I was sick. I experienced very few side effects the first two times I took it, then quite a few side effects the third time, which were mostly concerned with feeling agitated/tense/shaky, but not so much nausea.

Fluoxetine really helped me in the past, but taking meds should always ideally be accompanied by talking therapy for maximum effectiveness. Good luck!

16-11-12, 22:20
Thanks for the replies guys.

I'm still nervous and don't really want to take one just in case. Last time I felt really nauseous I had countless panic attacks, so I don't want to go down that road again.

edit: Oh and nice quote Emphyrio! :P FFIX is an awesome game!

16-11-12, 22:52
It sounds like you're in a horrible Catch 22 situation here. I'm not really sure what to suggest. Maybe it's best if you go back to your doctor and explain about your emetophobia and see if they can suggest anything to help.

17-11-12, 19:31
Hmm.... I'm going to be brave and take a capsule tonight. My parents say I will be fine and will give me support if I do end up feeling terrible after taking them. :)

17-11-12, 20:58
Hi there, I also found that it helps to take the fluoxetine with yoghurt.

18-11-12, 11:14
Thanks for the replies guys.

I'm still nervous and don't really want to take one just in case. Last time I felt really nauseous I had countless panic attacks, so I don't want to go down that road again.

edit: Oh and nice quote Emphyrio! :P FFIX is an awesome game!

Sorry to go off topic, Nice to see there a video gamers on this board as that's my hobby when I feel well. Waiting for citalopram to kick in myself.

18-11-12, 14:15
I should really change that quote - I posted it when I was feeling sorry for myself. But I love the FF games - though I generally avoid video games now as I need to study!

I'm waiting for the fluox to leave my system - hopefully then the unwanted side effects will leave with it! (fingers crossed).

18-11-12, 17:55
Thanks for the replies!

Fortunately, I have plenty of spare time now, so I can play video games. :)
But yeah, I also love FF! I only got into it a few years ago and I'm glad I did. It's nice to see some gamers on here too.

I still haven't started Fluoxetine like I said I would lol, I'm terrified I will throw up after taking them or something. :weep:

18-11-12, 18:13
Hi Rls1994 - i know exactly where you are coming from re: fluoxetine. First time I took it, it felt like the most massive thing to do ever. My first fear was exactly the same as you. Being sick (massive phobia for me). Sounds like you're ok with pretty much all other meds you take & thats the same for me. Nothing's done it to me. My advice would be - if you've been prescribed it, then I'd take it. I know it's hard to overcome the fear but I had loads of other fears, none of which materialised. Instead it helped me through a difficult time. I would be very surprised indeed if you have an issue with your stomach. If you do start on it, just be kind to yourself, take it easy & minimise your stress in the first 2-3 weeks just while everything settles down. Oh and the other thing I'd say is it's one of the best for coming off, providing you do it slowly then you will have limited side effects if any at all.That has also been my experience & i've been on & off it loads of times now. Good luck

18-11-12, 18:52
Hello Tessar!

Thank you for the reply, it made me feel better. :) I've just took my first capsule and I'm dreading it, but at the same time I feel kind of proud for actually taking it, despite what the side effects may be.

I have a question - When I take my last tablet and don't take any more afterwards, will I be alright? Or should I go back to the doctors and go on 10mg for a month, then 5mg? It's just that I've heard horrible stories of when people have stopped using Fluoexetine, they've felt terrible. I'm on 20mg by the way.

19-11-12, 00:09

Fluoxetine has a very long half-life and so people are less likely to experience withdrawal symptoms on it compared with other antidepressants such as paroxetine. I've come off it at 20mg in the past with no problems - however, other people have experienced severe withdrawal symptoms on it on the other hand.

The reduction you proposed sounds sensible, though I'd talk with your GP if ever you decide to stop taking it. He could give you it in a liquid form which would make tapering off it much easier.

---------- Post added at 00:09 ---------- Previous post was at 00:08 ----------

PS: Off topic, but did you ever play the Suikoden series of RPGs? I'd highly recommend them!

19-11-12, 09:31
I'm really pleased my reply made you feel better Rls1994. I can understand the feeling of dread - but you did it - wow.... you're so right to feel proud of yourself. I can still remember the first time i took it. I was feeling so scared. After taking the first one I kind of sat there thinking "when am I going to start feeling sick/dizzy etc". Well, that didnt happen. I'd put off medication for absolutely months but when I did take it, I was so relieved that it helped. more energy, not feeling anywhere near as terrible. In fact, I do remember the awful feeling of tension & the ache in my chest lessening too. So it did help me enormously. Other than having a dry mouth i didnt get side effects & this only lasted maybe a week or two. Actually i've been on it a few weeks again now & having read all the stuff on here (only been on this site a few weeks too) I was still thinking oh no, what if ... but I still didnt have anything other than the dry mouth again.
If someone had told me 7 yrs ago when i first took it, that I'd help someone in the future just with a bit of encouragement about something that once scared the hell out of me, I dont think I'd have believed them. Thats whats so good about this site. I love sharing my experiences. It's really validating, especially at a time when my life isnt very easy.
Answering your question, Emphyrio is right that Fluoxetine has a very long half-life & you are less likely to experience withdrawal symptoms on it compared with other antidepressants such as paroxetine. Most people take it for at least a few months if not a year. When it's time to come off it, you do need to do this under the supervision of your doctor. Also it needs to be the right time. I dont know if they do smaller doses of the capsule (I'm on 20mg). What I have done previously is start missing dose every third day, then maybe a week later i only take one every other day, then maybe a couple of weeks after that, i just have one every third day. the only withdrawal symptom i had is a sort of funny feeling when i turn my head. but once i identified what that was, i was ok with it. that only lasted 2 weeks each time i've come off it & compared to the benefits i've had from taking it, i was more than willing to have that small inconvenience again.

20-11-12, 17:55
Thanks again guys!

I'm on my 3rd day now and been alright so far, except I find it hard to sleep. I'm hoping that's the only side effect I'll get lol.

Also, that sounds like a great idea about skipping every third day and so on, I will definitely consider that when I'm about to come off them. :)

edit: Oh! Didn't see the last part of your reply Emphyrio, sorry about that! Yes! I have played that as well. It's awesome. :D

21-11-12, 16:13
Good luck! Be aware that some of the biggest side effects can come in around week 5 (concerned with physical agitation/restlessness) - but really you should try and spend 10 weeks on it before you decide whether or not its for you :)

Don't be tempted to give it up straight away if you experience bad side effects before then - if things get really bad speak to your GP who may give you something to temporarily get you though the bad times.