View Full Version : Health Anxiety is always beating me

16-11-12, 19:33
I have had health anxiety since i was 9 years old. I am 20 now and still learning how to solve my anxiety issues. I have seen many therapist and tried medication and read books on how to beat heath anxiety. But im not making any progress. Though at times i think i am free from anxiety it comes back and bites hard. I got through high school and my first year of college with very little anxiety and few panic attacks. But as soon as the next year of college started I had a crazy amount of anxiety and had to take a semester off. I feel really hopeless right now. I just want my life back i want to look foreword to each day, not dread them. I just want to go to school and have a career, i want to do the things i plan on doing. I don't want to be locked but in a house and live off the government. Luckily i have a very supportive family and i just want to give back to them for all the things they have done for me. My anxiety has mostly been about my heart. Even when i was 9 at times i thought i was having a heart attack. And i have heart palpitations, I went to the doctor and found out that i was normal, there was nothing wrong with me. But yet i still worry, i think at any moment im going to be dead. I hate it so much! Even this morning my left hand felt tingly and i thought i was about to have a heart attack. I could just think "oh its nothing" and move on. But i let it control my life. I just want my life back, because i have been suffering from this since 9 and i feel like i haven't had much of a life.