View Full Version : disorientation during a panic attack/ high anxiety

17-11-12, 01:07
hi, i was just wondering if anyone else feels badly disoriented during there panic attack or ever during bad days of anxiety or in an uncomfortable position where anxiety levels may be hightened or is this just me? I suffer from panic attacks and agoraphobia. On the VERY rare occasions that i do leave the house, never further then about 300metres from home, i feel like i have to stay on the same angle as my home is positioned so its tsill left 2 (a place name) and right (to a place name).
thanks for reading steph x :)

17-11-12, 12:17
Hi Steph,

I haven't left the house to go anywhere since February this year. I can associate you with a little. In my mind I make up a little route in my head where I am going to go (even though I don't usually end up going any further than my drive). I can never think of going the opposite way to my planned route, because my mind wouldn't be able to take it? Does that make sense. It's weird if I think about going right instead of left I feel more anxious and fearful. They're building a house almost opposite me so when my partner and I decide to look at the house we always go left, it's like my brain cannot cope with the idea of going right?! Sorry I've seemed to rambled on! I understand how you feel though !
Hannah x

17-11-12, 13:43
:grouphug:I can't believe the title of your post because earlier I posted on another thread and mentioned this , about feeling disorientated. It's bloody awful, I wasn't sure how this effected others? I get Text book, panic attacks but I always feel like I'm on another planet, can't grasp reality , like disorientated! It's very very stange but I think it's because so much goes on physically and mentally when you have a panic attack and it's like your trying to gain control but, too much is happening, which makes you feel weired and disorientated! Thought it was just me !:grouphug:

26-11-12, 15:06
hi, thanks to the both of yous for your replay i can totally understand what yous mean. Im sorry that yous feel this to as its worse then the panic attack its self i think, but am pleased that i am not the only one to feel this way. This feeling is what stops me from wanting to go out or what i fear the most, i would rather have the physical feelings 10 times over before this. I think because (although it is getting discussed alot more thanks to websites like this), our conditions are not spoken about as much and understood, i no i do feel like the only person who feels like this.
I wonder if there are any kind of techniques or anything to try and get out/ cut off this sensation before it worsens.

26-11-12, 17:01
Hi again, this is what does it for me, this weird sensation.
I know this sounds really stupid but it reminds me of star wars ( bare with me ) when things are floating around everywhere I'm stood in the middle of the chaos and no matter how much I try I can't control anything or make it stop. It's also like everything feels like its on top of u, I seem to start looking for a focal point to gain control, but can't once it sets in, I scan everything frantically looking for a safe place or a way out , everything feels simply, out of control.

Since I started with panic attacks last year I too, had a period of 6 months house bound , I would only, because I had to, do school run a 4 min car drive away but, that would be like I was going to the moon, such a palaver!
I have since done some tapping exercises, you tube, manuka honey, exercise, set goals to get back out I.e, first lamp post then the next. Milk , multivitamins, more sleep and eating less crap and more veggies. Generally this all has improved my physical health and has had a positive effect on my mental health also. It's not a cure but it has helped me get out and about more and to live a better life because I'm more confident in myself

It's horrendous , I can completely relate.