View Full Version : Relaxation techniques

17-08-06, 18:28

I am going to stay over my boyfriend's house this weekend and I am panicking because his Dad wants to do a speech because of our past break up.

So yeah, I'm kind of freaking out now and I think I am at risk at getting a panic attacks starting from now up until Saturday afternoon, at least.

Now, in my opinion, the time where I am highly at risk of getting a panic attack is when I am on the bus to my boyfriend's, this is an hours trip. Can anyone give me some relaxing techniques for when I get here. I am bringing a paper bag with me encase anything does happen but what else could I do on the bus?

Many thanks.

AKA Scooter Girl

17-08-06, 18:35
Listen to your Ipod!!

Have a bottle of water and some sweets to suck!

Rescue remedy!

Describe in your head all the things you see as you travel.

Realise that even if you do panic its not the end of the world (even though it feels like it) and that the people on the bus are there to help!

Tell yourself you are perfectly safe and its only silly thoughts that are doing this. Relax your shoulders down and let your chin drop.

Massage your solar plexus reflex on both palms with the thumb of the other hand - its sort of in the centre of your palm but slightly more towards your thumb!

Is that enough?????? :D:D:D:D:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-08-06, 18:45
Wow! Thanks for those tips! I'm going to have to write them down and bring them with me, lol.

Also I better get my batteries charged for my MP3, lol.

Thanks again ^_^

AKA Scooter Girl

17-08-06, 20:30
Hi hun :)
I always wear a rubber band around my wrist when I am in the car . Then if I start to feel 'foggy' or any other sign of anxiety I snap it and I don't know why but it seems to bring me out of the anxiety and then I can concentrate on my breathing better to get it well under control.
Anything to keep you busy will help pass the time and take your mind off the anxiety. Crossword puzzles or some magazines maybe.
Hope it helps :)

17-08-06, 20:37
Thanks for that Sandy. I'll put a hairband on my wrist and see if it works.

Also, I might buy myself another Sudoku book, I've got into them sincr going on holiday, they're brilliant!

AKA Scooter Girl