View Full Version : Stupid brain can't accept good news.

17-11-12, 08:53
I don't know if anyone remembers as it was a while ago now, but after a chest and abdo CT which I had because of night sweats they discovered a lump on my liver which they have said is most likely a haemangioma and some fluid round my heart. I was freaking about the fluid and finally got to see my cardiologist this week. He took one look at the echocardiogram report and said that it was such a trivial amount that I should just forget about it and get on with my life.

Good news right? Well I still can't get out of my head it's there and imagine that it's building up into a large amount of fluid. He told me that this was very unlikely to happen but my wonderful brain can't stop thinking about it. Add to this the fact that for the past week I feel really weird when I wake up and I'm getting quite a panic about it all still. When I wake, I'm fine until I move then I get a shaking feeling in my chest and my heart starts pounding and I'm sure it's my heart going wrong. Why is it so hard to accept good news and get on with things rather than continue to worry every day?

18-11-12, 07:15
I don't know anything about the medical condition.
Would seeking a 2nd opionion help?
Did the doctor explain what was wrong, why it was there and why he belives it's harmless?
Doctors need to work on their social skills I think.
I know I do better when things are explained to me in a way I can understand.