View Full Version : Woke up afraid i'm going to lose my mind :(

17-11-12, 11:22
I woke up with bad dp and i feel on edge and irritable. I feel like i'm losing my mind and i'm going to go crazy. Can someone help?:weep:

17-11-12, 12:33
I quite often wake up like this and find it easier if I get up straight away. You are not losing your mind or going crazy but I know it does sometimes feel like this. I hope the day gets better for you :hugs::hugs::hugs: x

17-11-12, 13:04
Thanks Annie :) Just spoke to my therapist and i've noticed a pattern, he seems to think it may be PMDD. I'm so irritable and depressed.

17-11-12, 13:10
I know I always got a lot worse at certain times of the month also. It is really hard what us women have to go through! I am going through the menopause now and finding my symptoms are getting worse with that :hugs::hugs: x

17-11-12, 14:15
I am struggling with these thoughts myself. It's difficult, I'm going between trying to distract myself and also tryin to face the fear and let it do it's worse.

Completely agree Annie, I am much worse pms!!

What's pmdd? Sorry if I'm showing myself up.

Sending huge hugs x x

17-11-12, 14:22
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder ...Don't worry Starlight, I had to google it :)

18-11-12, 06:12
My anxiety/depression/migraines are much worse when I'm about to get my period.
It's weird, I don't know if it's common to get so moody, but I nearly always get fits of rage and bad depression for a day or two before.
Always have ever since I first started : p
It sucks. I usually avoid people for a day or so, as I feel like I'm looking for an argument or everything just annoys me and then I'm angry at myself for feeling so moody!
Luckily it's only for a day so, the mood swings.
But the anxiety sucks, it's like I become hypersenstive and things that would cause me mild anxiety cause me huge anxiety!

As for the depersonalisation. I had it bad for a week or too.
It started off with stress, anxiety, not getting enough sleep or food.
I felt so out of it, I felt weird, my thoughts felt all wrong.
I felt that I was going crazy for sure!
What helped was food and sleep but most of all ignoring the depersonalisation as beibg afraid of it or focusing on it seems to make it much worse.

I've awoken a few times in panic or feeling very confused.
I think bad dreams can cause you to wake up feeling scared.
Then the confusion is normal too, waking up all sleepy helps you slowly get your wits about you but waking up too fast,being confused can be rather scary.