View Full Version : Bladder issue - please help!

17-11-12, 12:52
Hi all,

I have posted in the past about this problem but I need some reassuring words from anyone who had been through something similar because I'm at my wits end and feeling seriously depressed.
For six months now I have had an urge to urinate frequently and I also have a hard time trying to get the flow started along with a weaker than normal stream.
My bladder just feels weird, like there is constant tension around it.

I am 34. I have been tested for infection and diabetes - all clear.
My blood count is normal and so is my renal function.
I do not experience any pain.
I had a bladder and kidney ultrasound and all was normal and my prostate was not enlarged.

This is driving me crazy and it has taken over my life.. can this really be just anxiety??

Hope someone can help.. :weep:

17-11-12, 13:07
If you have had all these tests done then yes it is down to anxiety. I know I have to go to the loo quite a lot and it is just anxiety related...funnily enough after I fractured my foot and was in plaster cast it didn't bother me so much because it was more traumatic for me to get to the loo and I managed all through the night without going...now I can walk again I am getting up through the night to go to the loo!

18-11-12, 06:57
If its honestly bad and affecting your quality of life, not simply just making you anxious.
You know they are specialists doctors out there you can see.
I saw a girl with bladder issues on TV. she had tests including having her bladder filled and things were monitored somehow.
In the end physcially she was fine, but she did get tablets and did some kind of relearning how to go to the bathroom, bladder training I think.

So they are more options and various types of help out there : )

18-11-12, 07:05
I have the same problem. I will go through phases where I need to go quite a lot, and then I will have a phase that I never feel the urge to go for days, but make myself go, and there is quite a lot of urine. It is really upsetting me x

18-11-12, 21:25
I had this problem and had test after test and it ended up being anxiety.I would go to the toilet then five minutes after I needed to go the toilet the again but no flow.

19-11-12, 09:16
At 34 one wouldn't expect your prostrate to be enlarged, something that happens to all men as they get older, usually 50 +.

Have you seen a urologist as all the tests have thankfully been negative. I would agree that it your anxiety and the more you focus on it the more you think you need to urinate .Easier said than done.

I am much older than you and had all the tests done and filled in a questionnair as it is all about quality of life. My urologist told me if I came off Prozac or any other SSRI the flow would get better and the constant urge to wee would go away or at least be managable.
I was caught betwen the devil and the deep blue sea,but having discussed it with my doctor decided to come off the Prozac and increase propanol and now my flow is much better . Hope that helps

19-11-12, 11:11
Thanks for the replies..

I can't think that there could be any reason for these problems other than anxiety but it's just so hard to accept that sometimes because the physical symptoms are so real...

21-11-12, 18:57
I had the same problem. What I did was to write down the time each time I went to the loo. Then if I was at home or in some other comfortable place I would try to hold it in, so if I thought I kind of had to go I would wait for an hour. After doing this for a while it just kind of went away.