View Full Version : Shopping trip..not so good!

17-11-12, 13:02
Decided to go to the supermarket as I was feeling much better and more confident. I managed to drive there but then half way round the store, hubby realises he has left his wallet at home. he leaves me to go home for wallet. I suddenly started to get anxious feeling faint, managed to get every thing we needed but feeling very tearful...didn't have my bottle of water with me, more panic. Hubby got back to the shop I burst into tears, got the car keys off him and fled to the car. back home, can't stop shaking and crying. Going to have a cup of chamomile tea to see if that can calm me down. At the moment I don't think I ever want to go in a shop again but I guess as a positive I did stay in the shop until hubby got back (mainly because I had nowhere to run to!!). Also I hadn't expected to be left on my own so I suppose I did quite well considering :)

17-11-12, 13:19
Awww Annie, you did such a great job staying in the store without him. (most of us, would of ran home with him) You have been under so much stress these last couple weeks, its a know wonder you felt nervous. Did you have your cup of tea. Do you feel better now? I know you will find the strength to go back to that store, you are so strong. (Try not to even think about that right know, pat yourself on the back, and give yourself credit for staying in that store (that is big) thinking of you!:hugs:

17-11-12, 13:24
I have a terrible headache now from crying. On the way out of the shop I bumped into a friend. She is a lovely lady and very understanding so I told her I was doing a runner and my hubby was at the checkout..She gave me a hug and of course that set the tears off even more! I have had a chamomile tea and have managed to stop shaking x

---------- Post added at 13:24 ---------- Previous post was at 13:23 ----------

Did you notice my new picture? That is my cat Chai :)

17-11-12, 13:27
Oh Annie.. I have only just seen this post. you did amazing staying in the shop.. there is no way I could have done that and especially on a Saturday... very brave and not forgetting, achieved!.. well done you :hugs: x

17-11-12, 13:31
It has really drained me..I feel like I have ran a marathon! It was so scary..the least busy part of the shop was the men's underwear so I hid in there :D

17-11-12, 13:31
I'm glad she gave you a hug, you deserve a big hug:hugs:I would have blew right past her. I'm glad your feeling better, you are home and safe, and you got the stuff you needed at the store (great job) Now you can relax. (if feel bad you cried) :weep: I can't stand those feelings.

17-11-12, 13:34
Crying is the first thing I do when i start to panic...Thank goodness for the men's underwear and that not many people seemed to want to buy it :) They were probably thinking "What a strange woman staring at the men's undies!"

17-11-12, 13:34
Just saw that underwear post, (even when you are sad, you can still make me laugh!)

17-11-12, 13:35
:D x

17-11-12, 13:37
Yeah yeah.. any excuse to be in the mens underwear :roflmao:

You will feel drained now Annie.. it is such a strain on the mind and body it does us in for the day. Get some pj's on now and chill for the rest of the day.. is it x factor tonight or strictly? ooo and have you been watching the jungle? lol x

Morning Debbi :D x

17-11-12, 13:41
The only time I have watched the jungle was when Jimmy Osmond was there :) I am watching XFactor and hoping Rylan goes quick!!

17-11-12, 13:47
It's good again this time.. gives us a bit of a laugh :)

I don't think he'll be going yet.. trying to think who's left now. I wanted Lucy to stay in being from Sheffield and she is a friend of a friend of mine too

I think it might be the other boy band to go tonght x

17-11-12, 13:51
Yes it's a pity Lucy had to leave. I don't feel like doing anything today now...should try to go for a walk to get some fresh air but don't think I dare...may just sit in the conservatory with the window open...it might be safer!! :)

17-11-12, 13:54
Ahh Annie, you Shouldn't be so hard on yourself! :hugs:
You stayed in the supermarket , you didnt break down & behave in a frantic fashion ( as I would) you were left unaware of being left. So really you did well. It's awful the supermarket thing, there's a recent thread on here about this issue. You should be proud you got there , walked in , did your shopping and waited until your hubby returned! I know you got tearey but, you did hold it together! I would have been shuffling round towards the exit it a frantic animal styled panic! Enjoy the rest of your afternoon XXX

17-11-12, 13:58
Thank you Col...I did feel really scared though but didn't want to abandon my trolley even though I felt like I was going off my trolley!

Debbi...Do you have that saying in USA.."Off my trolley?" It means going mad/insane :D

17-11-12, 14:13
No , I know it's bloody awful & soo scary. I once had a panic attack near uni and saw one of my tutor pull up in a car and I asked him if I could get in as I needed to get back to where I'd parked my car! I was shocking when I had it bad , you did so well but I know it's exhausting, my husband could and still doesn't fully understand , I'd leave the kids playing and just would sit all day after an episode of panic, it does drain you, a bus could come and hit me and I'd just stand there because I'd be too tired to move, it's awful and it hard to keep pulling yourself back together when you've been so scared and your physically exhausted! You will though, promise XXX miss H dynamite I'm from Sheffield TOO XXX

17-11-12, 14:19
I teach literacy in a school and have locked myself in my room before so none of my students could get in! Luckily my husband does understand, although he has never been anxious himself he has listened to me explain the feelings and knows how hard it is for me. My son was filming in Sheffield yesterday...it's a small world (or is Sheffield just so fascinating) :)

17-11-12, 14:26
Ahh wow, just shows you how small the world is, literally! Oh my gosh, I used to think until I came to NMP I was loosing my mind - very frightening & it's fascinating reading others experiences! It's also very sad, my heart goes out to you and anyone who had experienced this, it's shocking and can affect all aspects of your life and with that, there are other problems. My hubby says he understands but he doesn't, that makes me sad. Then again I do believe you only truly can relate to something when you've experienced it first hand, so on that basis I'm pleased he can't fully relate! This site is a major life line. Takecare:bighug:

17-11-12, 14:29
Although I hate to see others suffering the same as me it is comforting to know that I am not the only one. Thank you Col x

17-11-12, 14:31
No worries, here to chat any time X

17-11-12, 18:00
Well done for trying Annie... it will get easier I promise :)

17-11-12, 18:06
Well done for trying Annie... it will get easier I promise :)

Thank you, I had been feeling so much better the last couple of days, I thought I could do it x

17-11-12, 19:48
You will get there.:hugs: I was like you once, but at the moment I am ok. I go out on the bus now too.:)
Who mentioned that man on Xfacter? hope he does not win. I like the smaller of the men cannot remember his name.
I am also doing the quiz on here at 9. I often get the answers wrong but its a bit of fun and takes things off your mind for a bit
Take care :hugs:

17-11-12, 19:51
Thank you Magic...I have been so tearful all day today since the shop episode. My husband thinks I am trying to push myself too much as I am still not feeling physically good yet either. I just need to accept that I am not going to be fit again overnight! :)

18-11-12, 00:01
Oh Annie, I'm sorry you've had such a tiring & difficult day. I think that you should be very proud of yourself though, and should focus on the positives - you stayed while your hubby went back for his wallet for one; that's excellent! :D

To make you smile (I hope), I was reminded of this clip from Father Ted when you mentioned about being stuck in the men's underwear section :winks:

18-11-12, 00:24
Annie I do not know that one "off my trolley" but I like it! :winks: I learn something new everyday. (see what a good teacher you are)
Awwww MissH, I missed that kind message this morning, so I will send you this (Good Morning), and you will get this when you wake up. :D Annie Good Morning to you also.

18-11-12, 10:31
Good morning everyone, Debbi I expect you will be asleep when I send this x

18-11-12, 11:24
hi annie it was a top effort to stay in that supermarket and wait i no if i had a massive panic attack i would have be on the phone to the ambulance in an instant you did really well , try and get back there as soon as possible i no thats really tough but that is the way to overcome your fears flood them with the supermarket the more times you go the better its gunna be i was like that with bridges i had to drive over a tall one to get to work at first i was panicking like crazy but it got easier as time went on xx:hugs:

18-11-12, 11:38
To make you smile (I hope), I was reminded of this clip from Father Ted when you mentioned about being stuck in the men's underwear section :winks:

:roflmao: I just noticed this link Leah...That was just like me trying to exit Sainsbury's!!

---------- Post added at 11:38 ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 ----------

Max...I was trying so hard not to cry but as soon as my husband got back I couldn't hold the tears back any longer. I Know it's stupid but I was even thinking "What if he doesn't come back for me" When I know he would never leave me :) I just couldn't find a way out and thought everyone would be looking at me xx

18-11-12, 12:44
now that the mind playing tricks on u again annie those negative thoughts youve gotta challenge them and believe me i no how difficult that is.
ill give u an example i forced myself down the golf course yesterday for the first time since i got pancretitis as i was playing a chap i new asked if he could join me i said no problem i noticed as we were walking up the hills he was doing it without any puff whatsever i new he was in his 60's and has had two heart attacks so what happened i became very anxious about my heart attack phobia the more and more i was getting out of breath, what i should have been thinking is this is my first game of golf since i got pancretitis ive been told its gunna take time for me to get my fitness back again of coarse im gunna be nackered going up hill, if i had thought this at the time my anxiety levels would have droped . every person this week ive bumped into has had a blooming heart attack with a cholestrol a lot lower than mine when i tell them mines 16 there faces turn white which scares the hell out of me

18-11-12, 17:17
Do you take medication for your cholesterol? I am sure that if the doctor was concerned you would be. We have good cholesterol and bad cholesterol and they usually work out which is which. My husband has had 2 heart attacks but is back at work and probably fitter than me :D. You are right about your fitness taking time to get back after an op. My fitness is really poor after my accident and I have just been for a 10 minute walk with my husband and I was getting out of breath going up the hill.

---------- Post added at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 13:52 ----------

We ran out of milk so went to the supermarket again and bought a few other items as well. My husband was with me and I made it through the checkout without any problems :yesyes:

18-11-12, 18:00
Well done Annie :D

18-11-12, 18:10
Pleased for you Annie, well done, I have still not managed it. xx

18-11-12, 18:12
Well done Annie :D

Thank you Leah x

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

Pleased for you Annie, well done, I have still not managed it. xx

You will get there...keep positive xx

18-11-12, 18:21
Thanks Annie

18-11-12, 18:57
Good afternoon, are you feeling better today?

18-11-12, 19:02
I am thank you Debbi. I have felt better as the day has gone on and even managed the dreaded supermarket again without having to hide in the underpants :roflmao: Did you see the link Elle-Kay put on? It is really funny and was just like me in the men's dept yesterday :D xx

18-11-12, 19:06
You are so strong, good for you going to the supermarket! So proud, you show that anxiety who is boss. I didn't see it I will look now. I am still laughing about the underpants, although your situation was not funny. You just have a way with words, they always makes me smile. :)

18-11-12, 19:10
I did have my husband with me today and he didn't have to abandon me this time. My Dad said to me "Do they have a lost children's area...you could have gone there" Dad I'm 54!!! (he is 82).

18-11-12, 19:19
Omg Annie, that is funny. I see were you get your great personality. (just watched very funny) I have got to run to the supermarket now for some things. (we have Thanksgiving on Thursday) so I need to get ready, and I imagine the store will be crazy, and that always makes me a little nervous. One good thing though I only go into work for conferences tomm. and then I am off for the week. (whoo hoo)

18-11-12, 19:31
I hope the supermarket trip goes well for you, if not...just get in those men's underpants and you will be fine :D xx

18-11-12, 19:35
Lmao, I will try to talk to you later, before you go to bed. If not have a great rest of your day, and I will talk to you soon. :hugs:

18-11-12, 20:22
Do you take medication for your cholesterol? I am sure that if the doctor was concerned you would be. We have good cholesterol and bad cholesterol and they usually work out which is which. My husband has had 2 heart attacks but is back at work and probably fitter than me :D. You are right about your fitness taking time to get back after an op. My fitness is really poor after my accident and I have just been for a 10 minute walk with my husband and I was getting out of breath going up the hill.

---------- Post added at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 13:52 ----------

We ran out of milk so went to the supermarket again and bought a few other items as well. My husband was with me and I made it through the checkout without any problems :yesyes:

i no the drs say not to worry but are they just saying that to try and dampen my anxiety , at the end of the day there is no way of bringing it down fast and that really scares me. my cholestrol is suppose to be around 4 at 16 it has me worrying me like crazy , i have a meeting with a specialist in december there is only one more type of tablet they can try if that doesnt bring it down i really am in trouble gentically its so high i think about it daily and it creats really bad anxiety i can give myself bad chest pains just through worry , until i hear my cholestrol has come down bigtime im never gunna be happy

18-11-12, 20:41
My husband is going to the hospital to help with drug trial for a new drug that changes bad cholesterol into good cholesterol. He doesn't actually know if he is in the group taking the drug or the group taking the placebo. I hope the specialist can help you when you go back in December xx

18-11-12, 21:16
i hope so annie as its fueling my anxiety bigtime and my heart attack phobia is at its worst