View Full Version : Hello, 25yo F GAD sufferer from Devon.

17-11-12, 15:49
Hello everyone, just introducing myself in here to give you a bit of background about myself. I have a complicated history with regards to mental health (who here doesn't?) I've been treated for depression(Citalopram then mirtazapine), had two unsuccessful suicide attempts as a teen and lots of self harm. I had a period of relative stability where I met my fiance, grew up a lot and had two children. Whereas the depression has stayed (mostly) at bay since having children I've become very anxious. I've always been a worrier but before becoming a mother I could self medicate with alcohol and cannabis, stay in bed all day when depressed and harm myself when stressed. Now I have had to find a way to cope without any of those things the worry has become all-encompassing. It's been getting gradually worse over the last 4 years until I finally went to the doctors in June and spilled my guts. I ended up with a psychiatric evaluation which turned into several sessions with the consultant to try and unpick my issues. I've been referred for long term psychodynamic psychotherapy and prescribed venlafaxine to help me cope day-to-day.

So that's a bit(a lot!) about me, I look forward to meeting you all.

17-11-12, 16:04
Hi JezKnowsBest

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-11-12, 17:51
Welcome to the forums Jez! :) You'll get plenty of support here.

17-11-12, 18:17
Welcome to NMP, you are among friends here :)