View Full Version : Dentist.

17-11-12, 16:00
So I have had an infection in my wisdom tooth and last week was in agony, I had no time to let my health anxiety in.
The dentist gave me anti biotics and sent me on my way, but as I left over joyed she said "see you next week"
I'm terrified, she said I need to go back for a proper check up and now my anxiety is come in..
What is she looking for?
What will she find?
Will she find cancer?
All these thoughts spinning round in my head.
I told my partner I can't go until I've seen my GP who I trust completely with my life, once he has looked in my mouth and throat and tells me there is nothing there that shouldn't be, she can check my teeth.
Anyone else have a fear of the dentist?

17-11-12, 16:42
She probably just wants to make sure the infection went away.

17-11-12, 18:11
Hi there, I really don't think the fact that your dentist asked to see you again in a week is any cause for alarm at all. The right thing was done in that you were given medicine to heal the infection. Although unpleasant, these things do happen, but can luckily be treated easily. I hope that you are now feeling much better and please don't worry about the follow-up visit. I'm sure the dentist jus wants to check that everything has healed up the way it should. Actually, you're lucky to have what seems quite a caring and professional dentist. My doctor never asks to see me again after a course of antibiotics. Try and relax-it's all good. :)