View Full Version : Hot flushes in face

17-11-12, 16:19
I thought i would ask here, I haven't had panic attacks since i was about 20, I am now 33. Recently my anxiety has been quite bad since losing my Nan and in the last few weeks I suddenly get a rush of heat in my face followed by feeling faint, heart racing, shakes.... Once I get a grip of myself it goes.

I have seen my GP and he says these are panic attacks. I am fine before they hit and the heat in the face starts first.

Can anyone relate?

17-11-12, 17:24
hiya :) thats exactly what happens me my face goes really hot and red then i feel faint and shaky x

17-11-12, 19:41
It is horrible isn't it. It hits out of nowhere. I am trying not to panic now when I feel the heat and stop it in its tracks, isn't easy though.

Sorry you suffer too.

18-11-12, 10:07
yeh i also hadnt had any for the last 5 years so hopefully they will go away again :)its better to not try and stop them i find and just go along with them cus if ur scared of them u tense up it just carrys on