View Full Version : health anxiety strange turn

Anxious lu
17-11-12, 19:05
So today has been strange.

At work I started to concentrate on my speaking and it made me really anxious. In this I started to concentrate on my breathing which to me felt hollow.. I dont really now how to describe it.. all of a sudden came the rush of adrenaline the thumping heart beat.. I took myself away and calmed myself down told myself to sort it out and get back down to work. I couldnt stop shaking my hands were going like crazy..

Settled down and felt fine. Then when on the bus home I had this sudden and immediate urge to text my dad and tell him that he must look after himself and watch his cholesterol or he will have a stroke or a heart attack.. I was panicking so much that something might happen to him that I felt another attack coming. I managed to get that under control.

It seems like my severe health anxiety to myself has settled down a bit (not gone) and I am now worrying about everyone around me. My sister has a bad back.. does she have cancer which has spread, that 47 year old had a stroke my dad will probably have a stroke, My stepmum's mum had breast cancer and her mum before her so that means my stepmum and sister will both get it?? I got off the bus to walk home wanting to just cry!

Background info.. I lost my mum ten year ago abruptly when I was ten years old.. I wonder if this has had more of an effect on me that I realise as my biggest fear is losing the people I love..

18-11-12, 05:58
Having too much awareness of something, often makes the problem seem bigger.
I try not to even think about my breathing! Not sure if that's good or bad but if I'm too aware then my breathing feels weird or I feel like I'm not getting enough air.

Ya adreline rushes aren't nice, I get the shakes too, sometimes I shake like a leaf from head to toe.

I think you were just prodjecting your own health fears onto your dad, it's normal to want him to be well. It's was like instead of a sudden panic for yourself you had one for your dad instead.

I think the sudden loss of your mum, was very painful, and you experienced loss.
I can see how that might be part of your health anxiety.
My mum got very ill, when I was young. She spent a few weeks in hospital.
I remember the symptoms she had, I would panic if I got any odd symptoms myself.

I think CBT or some type of thought management might help.
Or even regular therapy or group therapy.
I don't know how someone heals from loss, when it happens so young too, I think the fear of loss can be very big.

I know you need to accept the things you cannot control.
Anxiety is about control and preventing bad things from happening.
Often we mentally prepare for the worst, by imagination and fantasising.
In a way you need to unlearn all the bad thinking patterins and challenge the negative thoughts.

18-11-12, 09:56
Hi Lucy, Everything Anxious gal said is spot on.

The feelings you are have is sudden adrenaline rush (sounds like a mini panic attack) But you managed it perfect you took a step back a calmed down Well Done.

And yes some form of CBT does sound like the ideal thing maybe some grief councling Ten years sounds along time again to some but in your mind it is still yesterday and that needs to be addressed.

I was 36 when my mother passed away and even at that age for me it was a hard to deal with maybe this is were all my problem have come from as I have never grieved for her (had to many problems with family fighting over the will,I wanted nothing to do with it but was drag in).

You need to have it addressed, because I am getting to know you as a friend and from chatting to you on fb i have found you to be a young woman who yes has the weight of the world on her shoulders and I believe your mum would want you to move forward and would wish to see you happy.

Also as for as your dad goes everyone should watch their cholesterol (but many a person live with high cholesterol without anything happening) So well done for telling him.
As for Cancer yes it can be heredity but it can also skip an intire generation or even stop, But as with everthing nobody knows.

As my my says under everone of my posts “Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.”

Try to focus on today.

Take care Chris

Anxious lu
18-11-12, 14:27
Thank you guys kind words and reassuring too.

Sorry to hear about your mum and what followed people can be quite insensitive. I too never grieved.. I found it really dificult to cry or let any emotions out apart from anger Infront of people and felt very uncomfortable if they did so Infront of me too. I honestly think they fear of losing someone close is horrible.

It's annoying that I can't be told a story of what happens to them down the road or if a family member is I'll etc I don't want to hear it because I know where it leads me.. However I would rather worry about others than myself all the time!

I think this has been going on longer than I realise just not as severe.. For example whb my niece was born I would be laying in bed and get an overwhelming need to text me sister and tell her to check on her and make sure she's okay.. I never did though that would be strange lol