View Full Version : Checking Pulse?

17-08-06, 21:03
Hi, Is there anybody out there who constantly checks their pulse? I find myself doing this when I am having palpatations. My resting pulse is normally about 70 beats per minute, but if it speeds up for no reason, I get myself in a panic and can not stop checking my heart rate. On top of this I suffer with heart flutters, and was wondering if this is adding to the frequency of them? Any advice or fellow suffers please reply.


17-08-06, 21:10
Hiya. I used to do this all the time and still do when i'm having ectopic heartbeats/palpitations. I used to get some weird looks walking down the street checking my pulse all the time... The thing is, checking will not help one bit. If you want your palpitations to go away you have to take your mind off them completely. Go and do something completely mundane and consuming, like washing the dishes, and once your done 9 times out of ten your pulse will be back to normal. I just told myself that nothing I do to check my heart is gonna help me with ectopics. We've all just got to deal with them in our own way.

17-08-06, 21:22
Thanks for your reply, comforting to know I am not alone, begining to think I am going slightly mad! I know I need to take the focus away from doing this somehow, thanks a lot for your advice.

17-08-06, 21:32

I do this all the time,its a compulsion.It doesnt do us any good either does it.The previous advice is good,distraction is the key

Hunny x

17-08-06, 21:41
Your right, distraction is the key, really trying to kerb this one! Hard though when it is such a compulsion . Been trying deep breathing exercises, seems to be helping to regulate the rythym of the heart rate. Relaxation is the key to this one I think! Thanks x

17-08-06, 22:59
yes and yes!

yes you are making them happen more often and yes i check my pulse often. one of the traits im afraid


18-08-06, 13:23
Hi Lisamarie
I went through a stage of constantly checking my pulse a while back. It definatly made me worry more. As soon as I sensed my heart rate was raised my finger went to my pulse and of course my heart rate went faster and faster. I had to force myself to stop doing it which was really hard, as soon as I felt the urge I went and did something that used my hands. Eventually it got easier and I don't do it at all now and am definatly better for it.
love Helen

richard sharp
18-08-06, 18:10
hi all
yes i constantly do this, anywhere, anytime. with these ectopics, flutters and jumps in heart rate happening it seems a thing i have to do. im on 3 blood pressure 1 cholesterol and 1 water tablet. im now going to the dentists and am frightened that i may get a reaction while having treatment and have a heart attack. ive recently been getting off citalapram. any advice please?

19-08-06, 13:13
Hi Lisamarie, and welcome. I too went through a stage of checking my pulse but it passed

Take care

'This too will pass'

20-08-06, 10:56
Hi Lisamarie

I was often checking my pulse when i first had palpatations every few minutes i was checking. I now get ectopic heartbeats i still do check my pulse but not very often only when i get strong ectopics.

I only really stopped when my anxiety got better it is common to check your pulse when you have this problem it will get better and you will gradually stop checking.

Don't worry too much

take care
linda xx

20-08-06, 20:00
You're not alone in this, as you can see! But this should give you a laugh- not only do I check my pulse, I squeeze my fingertips to check my circulation (just in case a limb might drop off) and pinch the back of my hand to check for dehydration (not sure why this one worries me so much!). Daft as it is, it most certainly does become a compulsion, but whats crazy is that it only makes the feelings worse! Why do we do it???!!
Don't fret pet,

20-08-06, 20:22
Hi Carly - me too - I pinch the skin on the back of my hand to check for dehydration and feel my pulse in my neck when I m out walking!!! we are funny arent we!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx Wenjoy

Stress head Rach
25-08-06, 00:02
Well I have to confess.. I am OBSESSED with it. Hate it but cant help it.... I even like to watch other peeps neck and thier foot moving to thier own beat just to make sure theres is the same as mine or faster ect. I have a real prob with it, didnt realize others did . I must try to stop... I stopped once before and my heart rate slowed down! I even get my hubby to listen to it to see if its ok. MUST STOP[V] PULSE COUNTING!

25-08-06, 21:09
I am always doing it. Glad i'me not on my own, thought i was mad. It just makes me panic more especially if my heart misses a beat. It definately does not help.

29-08-06, 07:09
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hiya. I used to do this all the time and still do when i'm having ectopic heartbeats/palpitations. I used to get some weird looks walking down the street checking my pulse all the time... The thing is, checking will not help one bit. If you want your palpitations to go away you have to take your mind off them completely. Go and do something completely mundane and consuming, like washing the dishes, and once your done 9 times out of ten your pulse will be back to normal. I just told myself that nothing I do to check my heart is gonna help me with ectopics. We've all just got to deal with them in our own way.

<div align="right">Originally posted by timlewis50 - 17 August 2006 : 22:10:42</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

s bearman