View Full Version : Had an AWFUL week - HA all time high.

17-11-12, 19:30
Hi all,

As some of you know last year I had a routine laparascopy (camera in womb) to look for any womb problems. Somehow the surgeon tore my spleen, I woke up and he hadnt realised hed done it. Basically I was told I needed a life saving operation, and that Id lost so much blood I might not survive.... I was in intensive care and had two blood transfusions. I developed PTSD and suffered flashbacks and extreme HA, thinking that any pain etc meant I was about to die.

Well, after some counselling from a psychologist for 9months, I have been MUCH better.

However, this week has been awful. I have been to A+E twice, my GP twice and Urgent Care once...in the space of 7 days. I was admitted to a ward on Tues sent home Wed. However, my symptoms ARE real, but no one knows what's causing them, which makes me worse.

It started last Saturday, when my right side of my stomach started with a sharp pain. This pain went into my hip and in my thigh. It got worse and worse, and on Tuesday I was almost bent over permanently with the pain. I went to a+e after work, and they admitted me, but they stupidly sent me to a Gynae ward, where even Gynae said I should be on a medical ward not there. They did bloods (normal) and an abdominal ultrasound (normal). I went home on wed, but then started getting swelling and a dark bruise type lump along the same vein the cannula had been in further up in my arm. Well, my whole arm started to throb with pain. I almost had a huge panic attack at work thinking about it. Then I got chest pains, and convinced myself that I had a DVT and that that was what the hip/leg, arm and chest pain was. I went to the GP that night, he said sciatica, and yet again I didnt believe him.

So the next day I lied to everyone I know, and took myself to a+e again. They did a d-dimer test and the dr said it was negative so did not have a clot.... I was relieved but now, 24hrs later am starting to disbelieve her (she knows about my PTSD and anxiety problems).

My whole right arm is still throbbing with sharp pains up and down it, my right leg and hip feels so sore and with sharp pains, and i keep getting pains in my chest and upper back. I am so near a panic attack, and Im almost convinced I will die, and that yet again, doctors have made a mistake with me :( I have a 2 year old daughter, and I cry at the thought of her growing up without me....

Sorry to go on, just wanted some help/ and to rant away...

Charlotte x

17-11-12, 20:32
Sorry I don't know what to suggest for you but you seem to have had a lot of tests done so it does sound like the symptoms could just be anxiety related. Just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

17-11-12, 22:05
i know perfectly well how you feel my deepest scare is to die and leave my 2 year old behind and this anxiety is really getting the better of me this week as well i have not been at Drs or a am es but let me tell you i have been pretty close only i stopped myself and talked to myself nina its your anxiety giving you all those symptoms and soon as that they where gone the pain you are talki about does sound like sciatika i also have that and take a couple paracetamol and a hot bath enjo by bed flat on my back cures it sometimes. Chest pain can be the anxiety mine gives me shortness of breath and chest pain because my muscle are tense. Have you had any stress in family work life lately if so try and relax again all those facts can bring anxiety back x x impa your ok mail me if you want anymore support i know fine well how it feels x x

---------- Post added at 23:05 ---------- Previous post was at 23:04 ----------

sorry for spelling i am on my mobile and can not always see what i write x x

18-11-12, 06:32
Oh my, he tore your spleen?
I'm so sorry :(
I don't know if you can complain and get money out of it to pay for the therapy you needed after.
It sounds very traumatic indeed : (

Oh I belive all symptoms are real, my thing is the need to get to the cause!
Whether its dizziness due to breathing too fast.
Having a reason besides its all in your head, helps me a lot .

So it starts off as a pain that gets worse and persists.
Oh I guess that ward must have triggered off all the old emotions and fears : (

I've seen people post pics online of swellings and huge brusing due to having a needle in them. It seems common and harmless I think.

I think the sharp pains might just from some mild damage caused by the needle .
It might be nerve pain too.

Heh let me tell you, even though I'm not convinced it was just anxiety.
But one night I got so worked up I got the worst pain in my chest and back, not only that I felt like I was being crushed from either side!
Once I calmed down enough to get into bed, I had the weirdest moving/crawling/pins and needles all over my body!
I belive or at least I hope, it was simply me over doing the adreline and over breathing.
When you hyperventalate your muscles can cramp up on you.

But I know the way you're thinking, you're linking things together.
Cause that's what I tend to do :/
The brusing, pain, blood clot , the chest pain etc. .
It's normal to be scared, but the doctors did rule out a clot.
The chest pain might be anxiety it even heart burn.

But dammit, I know the feeling when you really feel like something bad is going to happen.
I've done it too, going to the doctor, then to the ER, being worried and not trusting the doctors. That was 2 years ago and I'm still ok.

When I panic now, I remind myself how many times I was wrong, how I thought i would drop dead but I didn't.

18-11-12, 18:57
Thankyou so much, all of you. Sometimes, as much as this site is a God send, when I post with ACTUAL health problems, I get no reply and then I feel even more anxious!

Today Ive been terrible again. My right arm is still in so much pain, and Im convinced I have an infection in my vein or phlebitis which will turn into a clot. Where I had the IV it was in the crease of my elbow. and it was so painful. When I asked them to remove it they did and no probs. That was on Wednesday. Now on Sunday the WHOLE ARM is still in so much pain - but funnily not around where the cannula was - it's further down - between my inner wrist and elbow. There's a dark bruise under the skin along a section of a vein, and if i press it it HURTS like mad. Today my fingers were sore, and I was convinced i felt tingling and numbness in my fingers.

Im so freaked out. I suppose I should call the GP surgery tomorrow, but where the GP is brilliant, it's the receptionist and nurse u have to get through who decide whether u get an appointment or not, and they have no sympathy for me (i ring almost weekly).

I was so close to going to urgent care today. It hurts so much.

Thanks again for your advice and sympathy, it means so much

18-11-12, 19:07
I agree that you should have your doctor check it for you since it is so painful. I panic about things so much but always feel so much more reassured when the doctor sees me. I am lucky to have good receptionists at the doctors and they send the doctor out when I can't get to the surgery or let me in the back door to avoid the waiting room :hugs: xx