View Full Version : Need to stop this

17-11-12, 21:17
Feel like I'm climbing up the walls. Have posted before about dry skin on my nipples and worries about paget's cancer of the nipple. Have seen my GP twice now but found some more dry skin this morning. Why can't I just believe what the GP told me? Have been on google again - bad idea as I've managed to scare myself. Am sick of feeling like this.

18-11-12, 06:36
Have you tried using a cream for them?
My nipples can crack and get dry sometimes too.
Maybe try sudocream, it has zinc which is good to kill of fungus and the cream it's self kills bacteria and helps the dry skin.

18-11-12, 09:22
Thanks for replying

I used sudocrem once which dried everything out more. And itch relief cream and E45 which didn't moisturise. I'm using a nipple balm and my GP gave me some diprobase cream if I feel I need it. They just both seem so dry and seem to take it in turns to flake. I know I need to trust my GP, I'm just finding it really hard to after everything I've read on the Internet which is silly really.

19-11-12, 18:48
Mine get dry and flaky sometimes huni, its really a normal thing as I went to the dr about it xxx

19-11-12, 18:57
sorry you're feeling like this :hugs: if its any help my nipple of my left side sometimes feels like it is burning and feels allot more sensitive than the other. when I was BF i used a chamomile nipple balm that seemed to help. Its good that you have been to your doc about it but if it still worrying you it might be worth going back for a second opinion!