View Full Version : going out of my mind worrying!

17-11-12, 21:22
Evening everyone,

I posted a week or so ago about chest pains.
Well ive been having chest pains pretty much constantly for almost 3 weeks now.
It started after I got palpatations (docs reckon its cos im pregnant and have more blood rushing through my body)
It is a mix of aching to stabbing through my left chest, back, arm and even up to my jaw on occasion. it does move to the middle of the chest maybe twice a day.
I have been to docs about 7 times in the last 3 weeks and they have done blood tests (heart enzyme test), i think about 4 ecgs (normal apart from a lil fast but not worrying to docs), bp done 10 times - all normal, infact great, ultrasound on my legs to check for blood clots - nothing there and i have just had a chest xray that im waiting for the results for.
it doesnt get worse with exercise it just seems to get worse/stabby when it feels like it.
only thing that touches the pain is 30/500 cocodamol but even today thats not doing a thing!
i am also on citalopram as my anxiety got worse during the pregnancy.
i am terrified there is something seriously wrong that they are missing, how can i be in THIS much pain CONSTANTLY and for there to be nothing wrong,
all docs say is they dont think its heart related but dont give me answers :(

17-11-12, 21:37
If the tests have come back clear then you should try to take some comfort in that. Stress does funny things to our bodies. Did they give you any strategies to manage the pain?

17-11-12, 21:40
well im still waiting on the results of the xray.

god it hurts so much!!

not really been given any advice other than im fine

17-11-12, 22:28
Am sure everything'll turn out to be ok :)

If you can, try to relax x

18-11-12, 00:06
UGH!!!!!! This is my biggest thing, if you read my post, maybe you will feel better, knowing you are not alone on this one. I hate those pains, they really freak me out. I say the same thing "how can I have these pains, and nothing be wrong" It's so hard to believe that stress/anxiety can do that. It's great that you've had all the testing, and it sounds like you are in good health. Try to relax, hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

18-11-12, 00:58
Hi people can.this panic and.anxiety attcks.be cured will they.bugger off and.leave.me alo.e so.i can.get back.to normal.life quick question does anybody when they get that sudden.rush of fear and feelin like your going to collapse n.die does anyone seriously question there gp and.are they.right.orwrong have they made a mistake thanks for readi.g

18-11-12, 05:24
I posted before about how the weight of the baby can pull on your shoulder muscles which some how translates into chest pain.
Sounds like a trapped nerve or tight muscles, due to it all being on the same side.
Have you thought about trying a massage?
You can usually feel where the muscle get tights, it can feel like tight knot.
If its not muscular then maybe a pintched trapped nerve?
I don't really know much about that or if there's a test for it.
I sometimes get a sharp pain that can travel down my neck and into my chest, almost as if its following a path.

18-11-12, 08:36
my pain seems to jump about abit but does stay on the left, my arm aches too

23-11-12, 12:41
well the chest pain is still there! starting haveing a few flutters too, been to docs and they said my xray is fine. he reckons its the baby as hes growing and getting bigger, its pushing things up and causing muscular pain in that area. im dubious as its only the left side and the pain moves from the center to the left to my back to my arm. all my tests are clear, no lung or heart problems but im in total agony constantly!!!