View Full Version : Why The Claire Weekes Method Doesn't Work For Some

18-08-06, 01:38
There are many people who read Claire Weekes books and never recover.Yet many read her books and listen to her cds and recover.Why is this?Well the answer is simple.The people who dont recover havent been shown how to develope their right inner voice.The right inner voice is confidence that you can handle any situation despite your nervous symptoms.Once you have developed your right inner voice the symptoms no longer matter.And it is then that you are cured.I myself as David Johnson recommends keep a success diary where I record situations in which I experienced panic yet see the moment through by practising the method of facing, accepting etc.I can then refer back to my journal to reinforce my right inner voice.Another big part of recovery is setbacks.Set backs can be very bewildering.You seem to be improving but suddenly you seem to be as bad as ever or worse than you had previously felt.It appears that all your practise was for nothing.But this is not so.Set backs are just another chance for you to biuld on your right inner voice.You dont know how long setbacks are going to last but they are always only temporary.As long as you keep practising the method they subside.There is of course a lot more to it than what I am saying.This is only the jist of it.Jon

"You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

22-08-06, 20:20
i agree with this
i think people become disheartened as they expect a result straight away, but it takes a long time coming, so it is not going to go overnight is it?
the more you accept and relax and see a result, the more confident you become in your ability to cope no matter what.

we are all stronger people after having this

23-08-06, 10:18
I completely disagree with this jon- as u know!!!!!!
I am nearly fully recovered and i didnt use the claire weeks method!! Im glad her method has worked for so many but it didnt work for me but yet im doin really well!!! I really hate posts like this to be honest- what works for one doesnt work for everyone and I think this post makes people feel bad about themselves it is almost like ur callin them failures!!
Jon this is nothin personal u know im ur matey and u have spoke to me lots and know the progress i have made without it!!!

23-08-06, 10:51
I think everyones anxiety/experiences are different. Some people suffer only mild anxiety, for a short time, some people suffer very severe anxiety over a very long period.

I also don't think that Claire Weekes methods are unique to her as recovery ALWAYS entails developing the "inner voice" in whatever guise to enable us to handle situations even though we may be anxious, panicking etc. Therapy, counselling whatever, they all come through with the same message that until we can accept the anxiety/panic then we will always run from it therefore reinforcing the fact to ourselves that there is something to be scared of.


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

23-08-06, 10:56
It didn't work for me either and I agree entirely with Gem about what works for one may not work for another. I am six months into recovery after trying pretty much every treatment, CD and 'cure' available including Claire's (and trust me I persisted!) without much success.

So far, not one PA, no meds and very few anxious moments. I know what worked for me and I know why it worked, but I didn't before I tried it. Several people I know have used the same method with success, but it might not work for everyone. We are all individuals, and the causes of our problems are individual, too.
