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View Full Version : Pregabalin worries

17-11-12, 23:39
I am just due to start pregabalin 150mg this week. I am worried about allergic reactions and side effects. I have trouble taking medication and after googling pregabalin, noticed that there seems to be a few scary stories especially with side effects. Any advice or comments would be appreciated.

18-11-12, 07:36
I take 300mg in a split dose. The only start up side effects I had were a feeling of fullness, bloated stomach, that passed after a couple of weeks. Lack of co-ordination and blurred vision. Everyone reacts differently and you could be one of the lucky ones. Definitely not as many problems as I had with SSRI's, of which I am very in-tolerant.

18-11-12, 13:37
Thanks for the reply, the lack of coordination and blurred vision type things are really scaring me as I already suffer with these. I am not sure if I could bear to have them amplified.

18-11-12, 15:02

I take 50mg twice daily but have taken 100mg twice daily previously...this medication has been a wonder drug for me...I cannot praise it enough!!

Starting out I had few side effects just a little drowsiness and nothing much more than that...this also went very quickly.

We are all different and if you find the side effects too much you could always come off?? Its worth the try for the benefit that you may get from this.

Hope it goes well>


19-11-12, 22:44
Thanks for your replies :)