View Full Version : oily/greasy skin problems and worse panic attacks - please help!

17-11-12, 23:53
Hi there
i'm posting this hoping that even just one person will have experienced the same thing as I am going through!
I was on 20mg Cipralex for my panic attacks and phobias and was on it for 4 years. In late summer I decided to wean myself off it, which although i did so fairly slowly, was pretty appallingly bad!
Had nausea, irritability, worsening panics, etc...
I have now been totally off it for about 3 months.
I am now in a bit of a muddle as to what to do...the panic attacks and generalised anxiety has become really really bad and at times is so severe that i can't go out the house alone. Very upsetting :-( and has zapped my confidence as many of you have also experienced - there is so much more involved with this condition than just being nervy, as some of my friends think!
I have had very weird panics recently where my heart literally thuds and i can feel it fluttering a lot, which also comes with a strong nausea where i have almost been physically sick :-( which is another of my phobias, being sick!!! :wacko:
The other main symptom which began about 6 weeks ago is my skin has literally turned awful, a problem i never experienced, not even as a teenager. The main problem is that my skin is so greasy and oily, on my forehead and nose, i am as shiny as anything and it feels and looks horrible and is REALLY getting me down on top of everything else. I wake up with an oil slick on my face. It's causing blackheads and whiteheads and is so horrible although the greasyness is worse than the acne as i am cleansing my face twice a day so it isn't getting too much into my pores, fingers crossed. My neck and chin area is really bad too with little spots. Could this be hormonal?! can stress affect hormone levels??!!!

Has anyone else experienced bad skin after coming off these meds??
i have been reading and it seems that my cortisol levels, similar to adrenaline levels, have shot up meaning that the skin then produces more sebum hence oiliness!
But am asking as i'd rather hear from a real person who's had the same or a similar experience, than reading things on the net (which can also be misleading and sometimes just wrong!)
Please please please if anyone can relate to this then any advice/response of any kind would be a great help, even just to make me feel less alone in this :shrug:
Many thanks for taking the time to read this, and hope to hear from you guys soon!

18-11-12, 02:30
I would go back to your GP and perhaps start them again...... Try not to worry, hard I know

18-11-12, 07:28
I have the same problem and have to cleanse my skin about 4 times a day, my face neck and chest area. Like you say it is probably due to high Cortisol levels. I use a toner to close my pores and a matt foundation if I am going out. I still wake up with an oil slick every morning though. Sorry, but nothing seems to work. Lets hope others have some positive tips for us.

03-02-17, 04:23
My favorite treatment is using lemon juice. But you should be very careful with this product cuz it can reduce the amount of oil from your skin but also make your skin more sensitive. Do it wisely :)