View Full Version : Yay!

18-11-12, 00:05
I went out for a meal with my family tonight to celebrate my birthday, and I didn't panic at all! :D I felt anxious before, and a little edgy whilst there (I was expecting it to go worse than it did I think, so was on the look-out for panic symptoms), but I had a main course (a baked chicken & bacon wrap with side), and a sorbet for pudding, and I ate most of it, so I'm pleased with that (for now), but most especially I'm pleased that I didn't panic - or even get close to panic - the whole time we were there :D

18-11-12, 00:11
Great Job, Elle-Kay, Great Job, I am so glad you enjoyed your birthday! :) (HAPPY BIRTHDAY) That was a nice birthday present, and your meal sounds wonderful, I haven't eaten dinner yet!

18-11-12, 07:31
Well done, long may it continue.:D

18-11-12, 07:48
Happy Birthday! Well done x