View Full Version : Exec in Trouble

18-11-12, 10:57
hi there,

I'm 42, have a senior busy job and am crippled with anxiety at the moment due the pressures of my job.

I changed jobs recently and I was fine for the first couple of months.. its been full on really busy etc... just the last 2 weeks started to get the "im going to burst feeling" and also have been throwing up anxiety is so bad... the thing is nobody is being horrible to me at work or giving me a hard time - they are a nice bunch but I do have to wear a mask given the senior role I'm in which is an added pressure on me and most of the pressure is coming from within myself.

I went to the doc last week and I'm nowon day 4 of Fluoxetine - have had a tough few nights but do feel its starting to help the "I'm going to burst feeling" but the nights are tough - cant sleep mind racing and first thing in the mornings I feel really awful however once I'm up it gets easier... just wondering if there is anyone else out there in the same boat. taking time off at the moment isnt an option so any tips to get through this period would be nice to hear about. Would also be nice to think I'm not the only Exec that feels they are going off the rails..

looking forward to hearing from you xo

18-11-12, 11:08
Hi CleoD

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-11-12, 14:38
:welcome: cleoD,

No I'm not an exec, I'm 31 year old mum of 2 & highly ambitious, and was doing a postgrad course in secondary science teacher training when, panic attacks got the better of me ( my first post tells all) !!! I do understand the front thing though, people always see me as larger than life , confident, very outgoing so, when I was stuck down with serious anxiety and panic attacks for the very first time in my life last year, people who knew me didn't believe me. I think people see me almost being that strong I'm made out of lead, or something and therefore can not break. BUT I did, I was so conscious of the fact that I was a panic attack sufferer , my nature didn't allow me to accept it at first. Me - no way , when I broke down at the doctors and explained what I was going through( never go to docs)! So I still to this day haven't explained to my dad that, I basically suffered a breakdown, still put a front on even when I'm dying inside!
Anyway, there's some excellent people on this forum, they give fantastic support & advice.
Takecare Col

18-11-12, 15:07
Cleo, I'm in similar shoes to yours. I have a very high-powered business role and two of us run it together (with employees). My right hand man had an operation earlier this year and has been crippled with infection ever since. This is our busiest time and I am racked with anxiety, unable to delegate any more, thought I was ill too a week or so ago (I have a significant lump under my arm) plus someone I dearly care about is very very ill.

Anxiety and panic attacks were coming many times a day and I was put on fluoxetine by my doctor 13 days ago. I've had nasty side effects but I think they are subsiding a little.

I am treating each day as one day at a time (on advice of someone on here) and that seems to be helping me cope.

18-11-12, 20:20
ladies thanks for your comments

kayleigh how is day 12 going and are you on anything else besides fluoxetine? was going to get an emergency appt today for something else as just cant sleep - but I do feel slightly better in terms of the bursting effect... just have the dreaded sunday night feeling - I feel for you as you have a lot going on outside work .. do you have somebody you can talk to at home?

im watching Xfactor results trying to distract myself....... i have an early meeting in the morning and if its anything like this mornings wake up Im dreading it...

do you take your tablet in the morning?

hugs cleo

19-11-12, 07:08
I did take it in the morning until last Friday, when I read on my box 'take one at bedtime', so I changed it two days ago. I also wake, like you, with worries about 'the office' and the first couple of hours are hellish.

I have been given something else to help me sleep but I haven't taken it. Partly because I think I have one of the problems it mentions on a list advising not to take it, so I have tried to cope without.

Is it getting better? It's different; I wouldn't say better yet. More anxiety, not less. Shaky. But I am sleeping better. One day at a time mentality seems to be helping me cope with these changes.

19-11-12, 21:52
Hi Cleo, Well what a similar story!!!! I had an identical situation happen to me about 2 years ago. Awful, suffered on and off with anxiety but following a job change to a role managing within the NHS i was hit hard. Couldn't sleep, eat, go out yet still had to attend work putting on a front for my staff. I was given Lustral 50mg which had some unwanted side effects that only lasted about a week then things started to improve. I tried citalipram initially but suffered terrible side effects. If you are suffering then try a different SSRI antidepressant.

As i have said often to others on this site, please remember that the antidepressant will help relieve the physical symptoms. You then need to work on whats causing the anxiety. CBT is fantastic for this. Anxiety is often a learned negative behavior due to negative experiences, associations and ways of thinking. I have a stack of self help books, some great some useless. These have helped me to help myself. It does take time though.

From your initial post the comment of 'Taking time off is not an option' is one good example of negative thinking and shows the pressure you are putting on yourself. If you need to take time off you should and can. If you had a broken leg you would take a few weeks off to let it heal. You need to recover and that takes time.

I hope that little rant helped somewhat. Please do feel free to contact me if you need any help/advice.