View Full Version : Is it all coming back?

kate H
18-08-06, 10:43
Feel very scared that all my symptoms are coming back. Have been doing so well lately, have almost felt "normal" again.

Have been under a lot of stress lately, am freaking myself out about my trip to Ghana and really wish I hadn't volunteered to do it, i dont think I am quite strong enough to do it yet, but we have raised so much money I HAVE to go. I have got to have loads of injections in 2 weeks time and the thought of it just makes me want to throw up.

I am moving out of home for the first time which is also freaking me out coz I am leaving my security blanket and i can tell my Mum exactly how i feel and dont have to pretend how i feel around her.

Also my Mum fell over yesterday and she has really hurt her face I was so shocked when i saw her i just burst into tears, she has a black eye a cut nose and lip and looks like shes been in a fight.

Just after i got in last nite I felt really ill so i went to the loo and i pretty much fainted, ever since then ive felt really panicky and my stomachs in knots, when i i went to bed the heqart flutters and the weird flashed in my mind came back. I just dont want the DP to come back as it has taken so long to go.

Really dont want all my anxiety to come back as i know how it turns your life upside down and you have to start all over again.

****You can never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them to fly in formation ****

18-08-06, 14:48
Keep reminding yourself you have done so well to get through it once and you can do it again. Just because you have had one blip doesnt mean it will go back to the way you were.

keep strong

G x

18-08-06, 19:38
I, too am having a blip at the mo. We need to keep strong. We have been to the depths of despair and we know how bad this thing can get. I think that can only make us stronger and absolutley adamant that we wont allow these feeelings to permanently return to our bodies.

18-08-06, 20:16
Hi Kate,

Keep telling yourself its just a blip because that is all it is. You are stronger than these feelings hun.

Take Care



Two heads
18-08-06, 20:24
Hi kate!
Sorry your having a blip hun you will be back to normal befor you known it.
I today myself have had panick and anxiety and havet had this for a few months, so i known the worry of it all coming back.xxx

polly daydream
19-08-06, 00:56
Hi Kate, like the others have all said, it is defo just a blip, I also have days even while on medication when I feel very anxious.

Take care,


19-08-06, 16:09
Hi Kate, it is just another small hurdle which you will get over just the way you got over the others.
One thing I have noticed when talking with recovered anxiety or depression sufferers, alcoholics, drug addicts, anorexics, they all say the same thing: take one day at a time and learn to stay in control - don't let the condition control you.
It's normal to feel some stress or anxiety in life but keep it where it belongs and deal with it methodically.
I've learnt since I recovered 2 years ago never to take it for granted that I'll never have another bout of anxiety, depression or another panic attack. If i do I will deal with it and pick myself up and carry on again.
Don't imagine that because you feel anxious today you're going to get worse, just stay in control and live one day at a time.
Hope you read my posting on BEATING ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION, if not please read it and I hope it helps you.

Will Loynes
19-08-06, 18:53
Hey you, Im sure that this is just a blip and that panic and anxiety sometimes get mixed up with excitement.
Im sure you will come back with lots of memories and stories, please keep us informed.

good luck


19-08-06, 21:02
Hi Kate
Hey keep your chin up, sorry to hear that you're not feeling too good at the moment. It really is just a blip, you've got through this before and you will again.
I too am going through a bit of a blip at the moment but we have to stay strong.
Funny how anxiety/excitement can get confused - I'm starting a new job, which I was desperate to get, in a few weeks time. I know I'm excited but I seem to be experiencing it all as the dreaded anxiety!!!
Wishing all the very best for your trip to Ghana - can't wait to hear all your stories and adventures.

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

kate H
21-08-06, 09:57
Thank you all for your kind words it very encouraging. I am hoping it is just a blip, the dp is creeping back but I am trying to ignore it and just carry on as usual. Its amazing how all the bizarre thoughts come back into your head when your stressed like why are you here etc but its just the paranoia that comes back i guess.

Glad I have the support of you all to get me through this.

Thanks xxx

****You can never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them to fly in formation ****