View Full Version : Setback!!

18-08-06, 11:07
i have been doing so well since March when i finished my hypnothearpy and then the last 4 weeks i have been really anxious, the weekend just gone was the worst, i had several attacks, not bad ones really but bad enough to scare the willies out of me that it was all gonna start again, panic attacks and rushing to the hospital beacause i couldnt control it!!!!! but i did control it which suprised me, i just took deep breaths, rode it through and kept telling myself that it's just anxiety, started to have one last night and said to myself i'm not having this, then went upstairs to bed and read my book for an hour then came 10 o'clock and bedtime, i just went to sleep. i know this sounds big headed but i am so proud of myself that i have been able to get through the attacks without panicing because as you all know it is the panic that puts the fear into a panic attack (well thats what it feels like to me).

Sorry to keep rambling on but i just wanted to you.


18-08-06, 11:20
well done liz left you a pm xx

18-08-06, 12:04
Well done Liz, you sound well on the road to recovery to me by not letting this ugly monster beat you.
Keep it up chuck

Take care

Elaine x

18-08-06, 15:04
Hi Liz what you said about fear putting the panic into a panic attack is something I totally agree with.This is the core of the claire weekes method.Your body will already be in a state of panic.But its how you react to this panic which is sustaining you in your anxiety state.When you eperience panic try to put your mind into neutral by mentally floating.Let your body ie your arms shoulders and tummy sag towards the panic.Never try to relax as youll only become anxious about relaxing.

"You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

19-08-06, 10:24
Well done Liz, that's brilliant!

Not letting the panic win, you stayed in control. Fantastic!

That's what I'm trying to do this week, when I feel the anxiety start I'm telling myself its not going any further than that and will go away quickly. Don't know anything about Clare Weeks but this helps me.


Is there light at the end of the tunnel or is that an oncoming train?

19-08-06, 10:43

Well done you for showing the panic/anxiety who's boss. I love reading posts like yours, they give me a bouyant start to the day.

Take care

Clare :)

19-08-06, 21:27
Fantastic news - well done you!!!
Jo x

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"