View Full Version : Just a viral infection?

18-11-12, 15:08
I haven't written on here for a long time but I look often and have found the site so useful over the years...am having a slight meltdown and am hoping writing on here will make me feel slightly better, at least mentally...

Last week my son had conjunctivitis and a fever/cold for nearly a week. By last Sunday he was fine. Two days later I wake up with one eye stuck together, I have caught conjunctivitis. By day 2 the other eye has it and I am taking the drops prescribed by the chemist, my glands in my neck are up as well along with a sore throat...day 3 feel and look worse, day 4 even worse. I went to the doctor and she was visually and verbally alarmed at how aggressive my conjunctivitis looked and prescribed fucithalmic (fusic acid) and she took a swab, didn't check my swollen glands or anything. She said it must be connected to my son and likely to be viral conjunctivitis....that night and last night I have woken up at 3am with night sweats and drenched sheets.

It is now day 6, my eyes are less sticky but still super red, my glands have gone down slightly but I now have white spots on my tonsils, I am terrified I will have another night sweat tonight and panicking about my tonsils. I keep thinking my immune system is non existent or something. Anyone had anything similar with conjunctivitis or am I just having a bad viral infection that was passed on by try three and a half year old? Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks.

18-11-12, 15:14
It does sound to me like you have a bad viral infection. Make sure you have plenty of fluids and take some paracetamol. If you feel no better in a couple of days or your symptoms get worse I would see your doctor again to see if he can prescribe anything else for you. I hope you feel better soon :hugs::hugs: x

18-11-12, 15:20
Thanks annie. If my eyes go down I think I will feel a bit more positive.

18-11-12, 15:24
Conjunctivitis can be really nasty but fusic acid is really good and should get rid of it.

18-11-12, 16:07
if it is viral, it can take at least two weeks for your body to fight it off, so give it a little while longer. sounds miserable though :(