View Full Version : Is this how it always is?

18-11-12, 17:42
Hi All
Just joined but have been reading these boards for a while, just wanted to get some advice etc
I have always had anxiety problems, but had no health anxiety until 3 weeks ago, I was admitted to hosp. For 4 days with a chest infection, all ok now but when the doc told me what they were testing for my anxiety shot through the roof, because of weight loss I was tested for all sorts, clots and lymphoma were the 2 that freaked me out, I had xrays, ultrasounds and a ct scan, all ok and was sent home, I thought that would be it but the anxiety just got worse, for the last 2 weeks its been all consuming, seen the doc, upped my medication and have set up some cbt all good
was feelin a wee bit better on sat then I noticed small bits of blood afyer a bowel movement and now im convinced again its something serious
I know deep down its probably not, my diet, bowel movements and appatite go all over the shop when im anxious and what with the stress etc its not surprising if I had piles etc, but im now thinking what next?
My wife is fed up with me as I just go into my own wee world, im constantly checkin myself to the point its painfull, im just so frustrated and angry with it all, I cant and dont
want to think that this will continue with every wee ache/pain/symptom and tbh I thought posting it here might help, sorry for the long post :)

18-11-12, 18:17
Hi :welcome: I am sure you will find lots of support here. My digestive system is the first thing to cause me problems when my anxiety is high. If you have only noticed blood once and it is red then I wouldn't worry about it, like you say it is probably piles or maybe a small fissure.

18-11-12, 18:20
Hi annie, thanks for the reply, it has been more than once but not all the time, im just annoyed cos I thought I was gettin over the stuff to do with the hosp and now this, I will phone doc tomorrow :)

18-11-12, 18:21
If it is red blood I am sure it will just be either piles or fissure but best to get it checked then at least you can put your mind at rest.

18-11-12, 18:45
I would say get it checked out, health anxiety really sucks but this is actual blood in your stool and that needs to be checked out. Xx