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anx mum
18-11-12, 20:51
Got pain under my left breast now whats this? Cant cope with these chest pains ecgs havent showed anything except missed heartbeats.

i love tea
18-11-12, 23:15
Hi there, I've been reading your posts lately. I'm sorry you're feeling so bad at the moment.

As Nicola has tried to show you, though - you've felt like this before and it wasn't anything other than your anxiety. I just had a quick look back & in April you wrote "Now for the last few days ive had a pain like a stich under my right breast does anyone know what this meant be?"

Remind yourself you've had this before & it will go away again.

Take care x

18-11-12, 23:26
It is because you are tense Bev at a guess.

18-11-12, 23:34
Not to sound dismissive, but it could also be gas.

19-11-12, 11:03
i have a gallbladder that doesnt function and i get horrendous sharp/crampy pains under my left breast thats took me to a&e before thinking i was having a heart attack

19-11-12, 14:03
Also remember under the left breast area is where our
Stomachs are located.
The stomach is our most delicate organ to stress and panic,
Probably why a shock can make us throw up!!!
My guess is its gas. Try some peppermint cordial it really helps xxx