View Full Version : Can anyone help

18-08-06, 11:49
I'm feeling really low at the moment. What's getting me down are the anxiety symptoms. I don't know what has triggered them now as I was feeling quite relaxed, there's nothing that has really changed in my life. There are a few things I am probably subconsciously anxious about (awaiting biopsy results, my friend who is terminally ill, reading other peoples posts and finding more things to worry about ...), but really there is nothing imminent that I am worrying about and no particular thoughts that keep coming to mind.

But I just can't shift what I am assuming are palpatations (like my heart is in my throat but also pounding against my chest, a general awareness of my heart beating almost all of the time, unless I am very distracted). I am also getting a sharp pain between my shoulder blades at times. I have a pain just below my rib cage (stomach area) which I think is muscle tension and I find it really uncomfortable sitting in a chair. I have general abdominal pain just about everywhere from time to time, low back pain, my knees ache, I am frequently on the toilet.

I am assuming that all the above are anxiety symptoms and nothing else. I can totally accept them as anxiety but I don't know what I can do to get rid of them. I've been gradually getting worse all week.

I'm taking St Johns Wort, vitamin B, magnesium and have just started Valerian. I had my first counselling session this week. My GP has twice prescribed me anti depressants (sertraline, which I reacted to really badly, and amitriptyline which didn't give me side effects but made my anxiety slightly worse and made me very sleepy). I think if I go back to my GP she will suggest I give the amitriptyline another go - however I am really reluctant to take drugs for lots of reasons (not that I have anything against them or dispute they work, I just don't think they are the answer for me).

If I could get rid of the physical symptoms, or at least the palpitations, I know I would feel so much better. All the time I'm getting these it's like a reminder that's stopping me from getting on with my life.

I am feeling so low, irritable and tearful today. Can anyway help?

18-08-06, 12:05
Do you know i feel so much like you, i often say if only i didnt have the physical symptoms then i would not have the anxiety, as they are a constant reminder something maybe wrong with our health(so we think)...like you i think i have a constant subconcious anxiety, at the minute im worrying about a smear test result, and im thinking all the time i have a heart problem (due to palpitations and chest tightness...which isnt shifting!)...even though i have been checked out and if i was rational about this, i should tell myself you have had the tests, your hearts fine....i just cant do it as im being constantly reminded with the symptoms.
I take lots of vitamins and valerian, and i find they do help, as i really dont want to go on anti depressants either.....

I think the only thing is to accept how you feel each day, and take each day as it comes...we cant fight this , it has to leave us when it is ready to, this is how feel and is what i tell myself each day...

Have you tried any alternative therapies? i am having reflexology at the minute and i find it is so helpful in easing tension and stress..
Also if you feel tearful, have a good cry, it always makes me feel better it somehow releases the built up tension in your body....
Remember you wont feel this way forever it is only temporary and you will come out a stronger person at the other end
take care

18-08-06, 12:19
Thanks for your reply. It's reassuring to know that I'm not alone in this.

I am a beauty and holistic therapist (very good at helping other people relax LOL) - whenever I can, I try to get a massage from a friend but I can never find the time to fit "me" in. I have also started using my Reiki again and it recharges me when I give someone else a session. I am planning to book an appointment with a Reiki master for a session myself "when I get time".

The valerian I am taking are totally disgusting - smell like vomit or mouldy cheese. Are yours any better - if so, can you tell me what brand you are using. And how long does valerian take to kick in?

I can't help feeling at the moment that I will always feel like this. Most days I can cope as the anxiety comes and goes, I just feel a bit more stressed than normal, but this week I feel I am on a downward slide and I need to break the cycle but I don't know how.

Thanks for listening!


18-08-06, 12:23
Hi ckirby25 Don't worry I also get that pain above my rib cage and it also gets me down and I get the feeling sometimes my tummy is pulling stiff.It is all anxiety and we both know what that can do it makes us think of the crazy things and not realising that we are waking up everyday and we forgetting that is the most important we spend so much time worrying that we actually forget that we are still living after all that bad days,months,or even years.I am also feeling a bit down because I was having quite a bit of indigestion and I was thinking the worst.[^] but reading posts are a bit scary but in the end we make each other feel a bit better and that is a comfort for me

hugs and kisses

18-08-06, 14:00
hi im taking "Quiet life" tablets by lanes, you can buy them from boots, holland and barrett and you will find them alongside Kalms etc
these dont taste nasty as they are coated, and have valerian and lots of other relaxing herbs in them , i find them good...

19-08-06, 10:11
Hi Caroline,

Hope you feel better soon and remember it's just anxiety making you feel this way.xx

Take Care



21-08-06, 05:31

I really hope things start to get better for you. I can unfortunately empathize w/ the whole anxiety feelings.

I on the other hand do not need symptoms to think that something at some point will go wrong..or I will get it! It's such a shame that I have come to this. I never really worried only when it came to the children, but I always felt that was a healthy fear.

I am due to give birth so I know this has played huge into the whole health anxiety thing. I just don't want to plod on. I just want to crawl in my bed and sleep...BLAH!

Anyways, I do hope your symptoms go away so that you can start to feel better. If you ever need to chat please feel free to pm me.

Take Care of You,
