View Full Version : varicose Veins

18-11-12, 23:28
Hi everyone!

For a whole week I have been on crutches. On the inside of my left knee I have a very bobbly and unsightly varicose vein. It's the only one I have but it keeps getting knocked. It was knocked 8 days ago and the bruising and pain was astonishing. It happened on the saturday and by sunday night I couldn't cope with the pain anymore and so went to A&E. The doc was surprised to see that a good percentage of my leg was black and I literally couldn't walk. Anyway I was given a thorough examination and was sent home with some blood thinning cream, painkillers and crutches.
The bruising has well gone down now and I can walk properly again. The vein is obviously still there, just waiting to be knocked again. I was just wondering if anyone has any personal experiences, or knows anyone who has had personal experiences with varicose vein and weather anyone has had a procedure to have them removed? This is the 4th time that the vein has come up like this through being knocked and it worries me as I do karate.
Would they do a procedure just for one vein? Any info greatly appreciated.

Kez xx

19-11-12, 18:50
Hi I had a large leg vein removed by thermal ablation. This leaves no scar. Normally a day case procedure but I stayed overnight because I had a spinal block and was very nauseous after the procedure. I was not cut only where the probe was put into my leg. I had the usual pressure bandage put on after the procedure and was back to work after about five days. This is not usually a procedure that is offered on the NHS and I had this done privately. Varicose vein surgery is not usually offered now on the NHS but it is worth asking to see whether anything can be done. I was so pleased with the removal that I am considering having a vein on my other leg done. The only difficulty I had was being awake during the surgery because of the spinal block and lying on my front (for about an hour) I was not allowed to sit up or go to the loo after the op because of the spinal block and was still sick. It was the best option for me because of the meds I was on at the time. I'm on less now. It is always worth asking. I would not recommend 'stripping'There is also another procedure which involves injecting the vein which foam but this is dangerous and anyway BUPA would not cover it. This seems to be an outdated practice now. EJ

20-11-12, 08:32
Thanks for that EJ, you just confirmed my thoughts that they probably won't do anything. Looks like I'm stuck with it. To be honest most of the time it doesn't bother me too much apart from the occasional irritation when it itches. It's just knocking it, the pain is horrible. I may go see my GP just to put the feelers out ect. I couldn't afford to go private so looks like I'm stuck with it! I also heard that after they have been removed they can come back?

20-11-12, 15:30
Hi again Kez yes the varicose veins can come back but with the ablation it is new veins. Have you tired wearing an elastic bandage or support stocking on the varicosed leg? Your pharmacist will advise especially when you are doing karate. It is worth asking your GP whether they would operate - you never know!! EJ