View Full Version : I bit confused

18-08-06, 12:02
Hi I have this phobia for ulcers I think its because My Broth in law father died from one.I had really bad anxiet all kinds of symptom from headaches,burning skin sensations muscle aches to heart palps,to having to go to the loo more often,numbness in the face,feeling as if my tongue is swollen.I have read about that gut vascular and muscle thing.I get frequent indigestion that comes and goes during the day do you think that will lead to ulcers or colitus and tummy pains I have had all the test and it was fine but do you guys think I will get really sick.I am so afraid of that and it really scaring me as I keep thinking about it please give me some advice?[V]

18-08-06, 12:23

I know how you are feeling and the anxiety symptoms are just awful. It's hard to believe that these symptoms aren't a real, physical and terrible illness. But please be reassured that you have had all the tests and nothing has been found.

I have a fear of bowel cancer or colitis (my father suffers from colitis and it's horrible). I think we fixate on what we think is the worst possible scenario and our body then gives us a few symptoms to scare the hell out of us.

I don't know what the answer is, I'm struggling myself at the moment, but I'm sure there will be plenty of others on here to pass on their advice.

Take care,

18-08-06, 12:29
Thanks for your reply>Nobody in my family ever suffered from that so I don't really know about it.But what I have read its kinda wicked to have.But did your father suffer from anxiety as well or did someone else in your family have it before that

18-08-06, 13:28
To be honest, on my Dad's side of the family they have all suffered with digestive problems one way or another, but I'm not exactly sure what. My Dad was the only one with colitis. My Grandad and my aunt had, I think, ulcers and such like.

I think everyone has their "weak spot" and I have inherited the fact that it is my tummy.

My Dad doesn't suffer from anxiety, at least not that I am aware of. He is a quiet person and doesn't really talk about anything much; I only know what I know of his illness from what my Mum tells me. However I remember my Grandad suffering from depression and I think he was on tranquilisers though I'm not sure for how long. I also remember he had a huge fear he had lung cancer and he was really obsessed with this. I do remember him being very anxious about his health for as long as I can remember. Sadly he died about 10 years ago - I always had a really close bond with him although he lived quite a way away so I could only get to see him about once a month - however he did live to about the age of 90 so he didn't do too bad!

Anyway, I guess I may have inherited a disposition for digestive weakness and maybe the anxiety too. Looking back at my Grandad I think he probably suffered with anxiety but I don't believe he ever had any real help or even a diagnosis for this. I'm glad you asked me this as I have never really made any family connection, but now I come to think about it, I think there could be one!
