View Full Version : Always feel anxious and edgy in the morning

19-11-12, 07:34
Does anybody on here have this problem as well? On week-end morning I feel fine, as I can take my time about things and relax, however on a workday morning, I feel really edgy and anxious. I get really panicky, have stomach pains and have to go to the loo frequently. Once I am on my way to work, the symptoms subside and once I am at work, they have usually gone. It's just this time in the morning that I struggle with. Sometimes I have started to feel so scared and edgy that I have wanted to call in sick, but I couldn't really do that as there's nothing really 'wrong' with me as such. Just the worrying of how I feel makes my symptoms worse. Does anyone else have this? Thanks.

19-11-12, 08:59
I feel the same and I don't have an answer to it but just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I don't know if maybe it is because I get woke up by an alarm clock during the week but wake naturally on a weekend.

19-11-12, 10:12
I am the same, maybe get up a bit earlier give yourself time to calm down.

19-11-12, 11:35
I am the same and my IBS is always worse in the morning:weep:

I read its beacause the stress hormone (I thinks its cortisol) is at its highest in the morning?

19-11-12, 12:04
oh yes, I am the exact same way, as a matter of fact, just got up, getting ready for work, and I feel nervous, scared, and I hate driving. you are not alone.:hugs:

19-11-12, 16:41
Thanks all. :) now the day is over, I feel a lot better. I think it's also Mondays that tend to be the problem! I am a person that doesn't willingly go to work, but just cause I have to and I don't like my job much, so that makes it harder. Oh to win the lottery! :D

19-11-12, 16:51
I get this too. I'm SO much better and doing really well but I still have a few moments in the morning when I think too much and feel slightly anxious and nervous about nothing in particular. I don't know why and I try so hard to switch it off. I walk to work everyday which takes me about 30 mins and by the time I get to work I'm absolutely fine. xx

19-11-12, 17:09
I'm the opposite to you , during the week I'm ok , it's the weekends during he mornings , why I don't know !

19-11-12, 18:56
My anxiety symptoms are really bad just after I wake up - it's a combination of stress hormones being really high and the shock of waking up with the thoughts of having to face another day with anxiety. We can also be really tense while we are asleep which doesn't make waking up anymore pleasant..