View Full Version : Rocasea

19-11-12, 12:39
Does anyone here have Rosacea? I'm pretty sure it's what I'm suffering with, just waiting to go back to my GP for diagnosis.

I started with a warm feeling above my eyes occasionally, a month or so ago. I thought nothing of it, but then in recent weeks I started having hot flushes just in the face, sometimes just affecting the one side, and I go very red. Twice the took me by surprise and I felt quite panicky at the sensation. My GP thought it could be stress or panic attacks but I suffered panic attacks in my teens and as far as I remember I didn't go hot. Also the hot flushes hit out of nowhere, I'm not even feeling worried or anxious at the time.

I've always had spots, but since going on the pill they cleared up a lot. Recently I'm having little red bumps on my skin, sometimes puss filled, I also have a slighty red nose, cheeks, chin and middle of my forehead, it's there's areas I'm also getting the hard spots.

I went two weeks without a hot flush, but since Friday I've had them often, sometimes lasting hours:/

Can anyone relate to this? How do you cope with the hot flushes? I am becoming a bit self conscious and worried about being out when it hits. I look like a tomato;)

20-11-12, 06:42
I'm pretty sure that this what I have, though I've never been diagnosed. All my life I've had a mild acne and had to learn over the years what I can and can't put on my skin. My pores are always blocked and make up can bring out spots.
All these miracle skin washes are usually a waste of time, I don't believe what it says on the label any more! I've found the only thing that works for me is Avon clearskin professional.
I hate my poor complexion and have just had to learn to live with it. If the doc recommends anything you must let me know!
As for the redness and hot flushes, this is a side effect that hasn't really got to me so I can't comment on them. x

20-11-12, 13:17
Thanks Tish. I am seeing my GP next week to suggest it and see what he thinks.