View Full Version : Howdy!

19-11-12, 17:29
Hi All

Here goes...

I first visited this site nearly 2 years ago. (Unfortunately I forgot username etc, so I set up a new account)

At the time I had been working in my then job 18 months. It was like any other day at work. I remember sitting there suddenly feeling trapped and unable to breathe. I felt nervous, sick, dizzy and began shaking. Embarrassed I went home putting it down to coming down with something due to the time of year. Once home I felt fine. Confused I stayed at home the rest of the week just to make sure I really wasn't ill. I returned to work the following week, only to suffer with the same symptoms.

I explained what had happened to my Mum, who at first thought I was suffering with low blood sugar levels, but after another week went by and still no change I knew it had to be something else. I knew deep down it was something to do with my nerves, so I went to the doctors. He explained to me that I was suffering from panic attacks and anxiety. They had been brought on by my ever increasing work load. I was under alot of pressure at work and the stress of it had gotten too much. As a result he signed me off work for 2 weeks. Although I was relieved, going back to work was incredibly hard.

Once back in the stressful environment. I was suffering from panic attacks and anxiety even more. I spoke with my manager who was no help at all. She said she wished she could help me but she couldn't. Unhappy with her answer, I went to speak to the MD of the company. He offered me a job in a different department which I was more than happy to take. Going into the new job also caused me to suffer from further anxiety and panic attacks. I began taking Quiet Life tablets (bit like Kalms) which did seem to work for a while. Although it hasn't been proven that they do actually work. I think the fact that I had settled into the new job had something to do with it. My work load had decreased and I was working in a less stressful environment. I had been working in my new job about a year when the panic attacks and anxiety started again. Even though I was working in a different department, my work load had increased considerably once again.

Having another unhelpful boss also didn't help. I tried to explain to my boss the situation but she like the previous did not want to help me with the work. She had passed the work she used to previously do onto me and so had no intention of helping out. 4 months later I decided to speak to the MD about going part time, to which he agreed. Although the panic attacks and anxiety seemed to subside for a while, 7 months later they have unfortunately returned once again. Even though I have gone part time, my boss has increased my work load even more, which came more responsibility. I am struggling to cope, plus the fact it is 2 years since I first started with them. Growing up I was always quiet and shy. I found it hard to fit in and was always picked on. I think over the years the stress of these things have finally hit a point where I can't cope.

Rant over.
Please help!

19-11-12, 17:39
Hi MissyC_54

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-11-12, 17:43
Hi from another newbie :)

19-11-12, 17:43
Thank you Nicola :)