View Full Version : Hi Im new here xx

19-11-12, 18:42

Im not new to HA ive had it years but im at a point in my life where I just cannot live like this anymore.

I came off fluoxetine 2 years ago and have gone back on it in the last month.

Everything I fear is cancer related.

At the moment ive just in the last week gone up to 3 prozacs a day and I dont know if its the tablets or the anxiety but i feel permenetly exhausted, all I want to do is sleep, i feel permanently lighheaded and run down. Im now worrying im seriously ill but trying to reason with myself :mad:

Today I went to the dr and he said fluoxetine shouldnt cause lightheadedness so thats woirrying me now :-(

Ive been going to the dr non stop although this has now calmed down but im ALWAYS worried about something!

I hope you guys can help me and I can hopfully help people here too. I start CBT in december too xxx

19-11-12, 22:38
Hey! Hope you're feeling better tonight. I started on fluoxetine three weeks ago and I felt knackered to begin with. Are you on quite a high dose? You just need to remember that you've taken a positive step in the right direction x

20-11-12, 07:32
hi yes im on 3 a day and just been dignosed TMJ but this lightheadedness scares me xx

20-11-12, 08:14
High anxiety and being stressed can make one feel very tired as the body is working overtime. Give the medication a few weeks to have an influence and if it isn't helping you go back to your doctor and he may prescibe an alternative medication. Best of luck.

20-11-12, 09:06
thank you im just scared its something awful :-((( its the light headedness scaring me :-(

20-11-12, 10:01
Hi Vindrea,
Welcome to NMP, it's nice to meet you!
I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch at the moment, but I just want to let you know your are not alone! We are all here to support you :)
I am also feeling run down and exhausted from my anxiety, I've been going through a rough patch for the past two months and I'm currently going through a med change too which is making me feel bloody awful!
What I think is really important to remind ourselves (I was reminded of this myself this morning from another lovely member of NMP) is that these feelings will pass! It won't last forever! But while you are going through your tough time please be reassured that we are all here for you and will help in anyway we can :)
Take care,
Tess x

20-11-12, 12:06
Hi Vindrea,
Welcome to NMP, it's nice to meet you!
I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch at the moment, but I just want to let you know your are not alone! We are all here to support you :)
I am also feeling run down and exhausted from my anxiety, I've been going through a rough patch for the past two months and I'm currently going through a med change too which is making me feel bloody awful!
What I think is really important to remind ourselves (I was reminded of this myself this morning from another lovely member of NMP) is that these feelings will pass! It won't last forever! But while you are going through your tough time please be reassured that we are all here for you and will help in anyway we can :)
Take care,
Tess x

Thank you so much I just want the lioghtheaded to stop :-(