View Full Version : can anyone recommend any self help books?

19-11-12, 19:07

As title says really?

Has anyone found any good self help books please? xx

19-11-12, 19:10
Hiya Vindrea.... I have just started a book call "At last a Life" by Paul David its about him recovering after 10 years of panic and Anxiety.. will let you know what its like when I finished ..:)

19-11-12, 19:11
I like 'The Worry Cute'. There is even a chapter on health anxiety.

'Mind over Mood' is also excellent, and recommended by my shrink

19-11-12, 19:13
That would be fab thank you Katie xxx

---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

Thank you Robin I will check those out too :-)

19-11-12, 19:15
Anything to do with meditation and mindfulness has always been invaluable to me.

19-11-12, 20:31
I have read quite a few cog therapy books to help with my anxiety. These are the ones I found most helful. All on Amazon and W H Smiths usually.

Self help for your Nerves by Claire Weekes - read the reviews. This book is a life saver. I took it with me everywhere when my panic and anxiety were really bad. It is like having a sensible friend sitting beside you. Its cog therapy before they had even come up with cog therapy. Some people find it dated, but the calming explanations and the idea of floating through anxiety really helped me.

Stop Thinking, Start Living - Richard Carlson. A really good simple cog therapy book about how to see that our thoughts cause negative feelings.

The Worry Cure - Robert Leahy. A good cog therapy book showing how our distorted thoughts affect our feelings. It teaches how to recognise distorted thinking and be more rational.

Feeling Good the new mood therapy - David Burns. In depth cog therapy for depression and anxiety. Very thorough but easy to read. Exercises to help see your distorted thinking.

Mind over mood and the A

---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 21:22 ----------

Whoops. Typing this on a cheap tablet so spelling and punctuation not so good.

Mind Over Mood, and also The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook are good too. I found the written cog therapy exercises helpful - like writing a rational response to your anxieties. If you google "cognitive therapy exercises" it should give some sites with exercises to do.

Another book that helped was the mindfulness book by Jon Kabbat Zinn that comes with a cd of mindfulness exercises - I think it is Mindful Way through Depression. I found the cd more useful than the book - the cd is calming and all about staying in the moment. I think you can probably hear the cd on You Tube - type Kabbat Zinn body scan for example.

If I were looking to get just a couple of books I would get Self Help for your Nerves and Stop Thinking, Start Living.

Hope this helps.

19-11-12, 21:08
Self help for your Nerves by Claire Weekes is amazing! It saved my life! Definately recommend xxx

19-11-12, 22:09
Feel The Fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers

21-11-12, 18:41
Thank you all so much xxx

21-11-12, 21:40
climbing out of depression by sue atkinson, deals with anxiety, panic n depression, i,m reading it at moment n finding it very enlightening xxxxx

21-11-12, 21:42
Depressive Illness by Chris Cantopher

21-11-12, 21:44
Chimp Paradox - Dr Steve Peters

24-11-12, 20:27
Thank you all so much have bought the claire weekes book for starters :-) xx

25-11-12, 14:01
my counselor showed me a book called 'overcoming health anxiety' by rob willson and david veale. a lot of it is about exposure to fears and things, she uses a lot of the exercises in the book with me because it's really cbt based x

Jen Sat
25-11-12, 14:09
Definately Claire Weeks - Essential help for your nerves and Self helpf for your nerves. You will continue to refer back to them for reassurance that you are not crazy and what you are feeling can be explained logically. Good luck

25-11-12, 14:10

28-11-12, 09:28
Self help for your Nerves by Claire Weekes is amazing! It saved my life! Definately recommend xxx

I second this. My Nan lent me this book as she suffers with anxiety and had a nervous breakdown at 19. I read this book and it put everything into perspective. A fantastic book. xx

28-11-12, 10:02
Panic Away
By Joe Barry

28-11-12, 10:13
I'm glad I came across this topic, I was wondering too! I'm putting some of these suggestions on my wish list for future orders :)

01-03-13, 21:39
I find the overcoming health anxiety book very good - but it probably works better with someone to keep you on the straight and narrow rather than just following the book :)

02-03-13, 09:35
"Feel the fear and do it anyway" as Annie says-- very good book from library. Books are so expensive.

02-03-13, 11:04
I have read a few but mine has to be
Control Stress:Stop Worrying And Feel Good Now! By Paul McKenna (come's with a cd) it covers alot that CBT does but is a different way..

I find myself reading it a lot and even though I have fallen out with the author I still find it a usefull tool...

03-03-13, 01:53
loraine mason panic attacts 5 steps to freedom,great book explains everything that is happening to you,you will want to take it every where with you,i found it better then clair weeks, and i thought that was good,