View Full Version : Leg injury or worse?

Anxious lu
19-11-12, 21:15
So not yesterday but the day before I had an accident. I fell and hit my shin on the corner oft metal bed frame.. Was terrible hurt so much and couldn't walk for a bit. Now it has come up with an almighty swollen bruise. It isn't causing me much discomfort now I clearly bruised the bone.

However a patch of skin below or around the bruise is numb now which isnt doing wonders for my anxiety.. I can't leave it alone. What could cause this?! Need reassurance please :-(

19-11-12, 23:14
You've probably bruised a nerve ending.

I did this when I chopped the end of my thumb off when I was cooking last year (yup, right in the middle of a bad HA fiasco lol) and although it healed pretty quickly it was numb for a month or so.

I suspect that's all it is :)

Anxious lu
20-11-12, 11:21
This may sound crazy but what are te chances that hitting my leg caused a blood clot resulting in numbness? There is no pain just when I touch the bruise but I'm really scared