View Full Version : Bad start to my day... Support and encouragement needed!

20-11-12, 09:13
Hi people,
I'm in a terrible state this morning :weep:
I pretty much had an anxiety attack during my whole drive to work (20 minute drive) I don't really know how I got here!
And now I'm here I can't concentrate on anything, my thoughts are going at 100mph and I can't control my breathing.
I need lots of encouraging vibes sent my way please! And any advice on getting through anxiety attacks at work wouldn't go amiss either!
Thank you!
Tess x

20-11-12, 09:25
Hi Tess Sorry you are having a bad morning. I don't know where you work so don't know if it is possible to get your self a cup of tea or something and a few minutes to try to relax and do some breathing techniques. I hope your day gets better for you, try to be positive..you can get through this, these feelings WILL pass. sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

20-11-12, 09:31
Thank you Annie! You're right, these feelings WILL pass! I always forget that when I'm feeling anxious - don't we all though hey?!
I'm going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment, I have swapped from citalopram to mirtazapine without any weening off/weening on time so I am experiencing some horrible withdrawal symptoms from the citalopram mixed with the new side effects of the mirtazapine... So yeah, not great!
I think I will follow your advice and make myself a nice cup of peppermint tea, I always find that soothing.
Thank you for the hugs! I'm trying hard not to cry as I sit at my desk! It is so reassuring having this forum and getting support from the lovely people who use it!
Tess x

20-11-12, 09:36
Changing meds is never easy and that is why you are having a worse day...but it will get better as soon as the new meds kick in. Enjoy your cup of tea :) xx

20-11-12, 09:41
Hi Tess, ohh this used to happen to me when I was doing teacher training. Horrible, horrible,
Have you tried tapping exercises before? I know they look a bit wired but just to divert your thoughts - they might help! Go Into the toilet, or somthing. Also what about bacs, for your hand bag? Take it easy & look after yourself make sure you get some lunch:flowers:

20-11-12, 09:43
Thank you! You're right, changing meds isn't easy, but I'm hoping it will be worth it! I still haven't made my tea yet... Guessing that might be a good sign as I feel comfortable enough to stay at my desk!
I hope you have a nice day :) x

20-11-12, 09:44
Like Col said Bachs rescue spray always helps me, I always have some in my handbag. I do the tapping exercises too and don't care who sees me lol x

20-11-12, 11:37
Hi Col,
I haven't tried tapping exercises before but I have heard of them. I'll look in to them today. Also, what are/is bacs?

---------- Post added at 09:45 ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 ----------

Ah! Bachs, yup I know the stuff! My best friend!!! I need to get some more!

---------- Post added at 11:37 ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 ----------

So I started to feel better after an hour, managed to get on with work properly for a bit, but now... Back to square one again. Anxiety has come back with vengeance :( I'm feeling shakey, on edge and upset. I can't concentrate on anything again and just want to run away home! I HATE HAVING ANXIETY AT WORK! I never know what to do and no one can ever tell me :(
Sorry for this everyone, I'm just really struggling.
Tess x

20-11-12, 12:08
in my opinion your doing great just to be there just think 12 breaths a min , in through the nose out through the mouth easier said than done i no, i made the switch from 40 mg citalopram over to mitrazipine and i still dont think im fully over it not quite sure what my dr was thinking when he did that, now he wants to take me of mitraz and put me venlfaxinen so im in for another tough time. now i dont want you to end up down the same path as me as im addicted but you could discuss some small doses of diazepam for when your at your very worst it has been a life saver for me and my brother , drs arent keen on giving out big amounts but say if you had say 7 and they lasted you a month they would help you through the worst days and then you wouldnt get addicted as that amount per month would be fine, i would also see your gp and get yourself booked for some cbt as i feel you would really benefit from this , please feel free to ask me any questions as ive been suffering this for quite sometime

20-11-12, 12:52
Hi Maximus,
Thanks for your reply! I'm actually at home now :( it was all too much to take and I ended up having a full blown panic attack on the side of the road in my car. It was horrible. But I did make it home safe so I guess that's a bonus.
Funny you should mention diazepam as I've just taken one! I have a fantastic doctor who prescribes 8 2mg tablets to me as and when I need them. I think I use 8 tablets every 6 months on average when I'm feeling well. However I've found I've needed them a bit more during the past 2 months, but we all go through rough patches hey?
I am also currently having CBT and have high hopes that it will help me as I have had it before!
Thank you ever so much for you reply :)

20-11-12, 13:21
your certainly right about bad patches im on a lot of medication at the moment which is masking the anxiety ive had a really bad 4 or 5 weeks im down in the dumps big time it started when i got put into hospitol for pancretitis i suffered my first panic attacks in ages and that reminded my brain how bad they are and its been a viscous circle since then , im not able to work at the moment way to nervous but am getting better slowly its just the depression thats digging its heels in , ive lost all my confidence.
i think you were right to go home theres only so much we can take before enough is enough, try your best to get back there tomorrow perhaps take your diazepam 1 hour before your journey that will help matters a
lot and give u a bit of a confidence boost then once you get there the day should fly by

20-11-12, 13:34
I'm sorry you've had a recent spell in hospital, I hope you are feeling better now? Despite your anxiety and depression of course. It is horrible when the depression knocks your confidence, I feel like that now myself. I am suffering from reactive depression due to my horrible anxiety attack today and that in turn is knocking my confidence, making me worry about returning to work tomorrow! Oh how these viscious circles just love to wind us up!

20-11-12, 14:18
Sorry Tess, I was rushing writing my post, my 3 year old was climbing all over me:rolleyes:,
Yes Bachs herbal remedies - boots have loads of different ones! Tapping exercises - you tube is great for these, you do feel a bit silly doing them but what ever helps X

20-11-12, 14:48
Thanks Col! I will have a look now :)