View Full Version : accidently swallowed a drop of bleach.please reply.worried

20-11-12, 10:32
last night i accidently swallowed a drop or 2 of household bleach.
i was cleaning the sink with it and my tap is one of those that fizzes out when hot water is turned on and fizzes water everywhere and my cup of tea was next to the sink and some bleach must have gone into it because i tasted bleach when i went to drink it..i swallowed it and tasted bleach..
nothing happened and i drank some milk but not for 10 mins or so after..
now my throat feels stratchy..i dont know if this is because im a smoker and i smoked a different brand last night[roll ups]or if its because im panicking about it and thinking about it and constantly clearing y throat..or because it burnt me..

could a drop or 2 do any damage.
i was telling one of the mums at the school this morning and she said it would be fine and a couple of drops wouldnt have done any damage.no worse than after bleaching cups and not rinsing properly and getting the residue and she laughed[not in an unkind way] when i said abut phoning the national poison number...ive googled it and most say a couple of drops or a bit of a mouthful wouldnt do any damage except to make me sick if id ingested enough..but i didnt feel sick or wasnt sick as it was only a tiny bit but im paranoid about my throat and now the thought is in my mind,my health anxiety is making me panic and worry about it..

please help and give me some reasurrance.
thank you very much.

20-11-12, 10:43
Hi ShellyRuby40,
Please try not to worry too much. I think if you were going to get ill from it you would have been by now! If it was only a tiny bit I doubt it would have done anything to you or your throat, apart from taste nasty!
If you are really concerned you could call NHS direct, they will go through a list of symptoms and if you have anything worth worrying about they will tell you whether you need to see a doctor or not.
But like I said, I think you would know by now if you were going to get ill from it!
I hope this helps and that your anxiety settles soon.
Take care,

20-11-12, 10:47
If you were goigg to be affected by it you would definitely have been sick at least by now, so don't worry, you'll be fine.

20-11-12, 11:11
My friend's little son (3years) drank bleach from the bottle. Of course they went immediately to hospital, he was ok though and could go home the same evening.
2 drops will not do you anything!

20-11-12, 13:16
2 drops won't have done anything, especially being mixed with other fluid.

Don't worry.

20-11-12, 13:58
you will be fine, nothing to worry about x

20-11-12, 18:27
thank you so much for your replies.
i feel a bit better about it..i really need to get a grip..its ruined my evening last night and my day today..
it dosent help that ive a bit of a cough and cold the last couple of days and it made me worry about my throat..i spoke to a pharmacist and she said it could maybe burn the throat if i swallowed enough,but not anything to worry about.[that helped not]i should have said ,ive terrible health anxiety so please dont say anything that i could take the wrong way and think about and obsess about later..
thank you so much for taking the time out to reassure me..i feel a bit calmer now..trying to distract myself from this horrible health anxiety.

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thank you tess x

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thank you ellie-kay

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thanks justina..thats reasurring to know x

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thanks savannah.x

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thanks vindrea x