View Full Version : hello everybody

20-11-12, 11:03
hey everybody,
im new here i just registered today, im so glad i found this site, i already feel as tho im not alone,, i suffer vomit phobia :weep: and have done for a long time (im 29) its awful and i hate it but im trying my best to beat it and be cured finally!!!! anybody who can help or share storys i would be very graeful.... hope to speak to ya all soon ....thanks ... take care xx:D

20-11-12, 11:13
Hi xxweebeexx

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-11-12, 11:14
Hi weebee!
It's nice to hear from someone else who suffers from vomit phobia! I have suffered with it all my life, but really badly since I was 14, I'm now 24. It is awful, and the anxiety it causes is crippling and depressing.
Do you get anxiety from your phobia? Are you on medication for it? I have just started a new medication that I'm really hoping will kick my anxiety in the bottom! And I am also having CBT which so far I am finding very helpful. If you can, I would definitely recommend it as not only does it help you deal with your phobia and anxiety, it also helps you work out why you might feel the way you do. I have found that through understanding my anxiety and phobia has in a way helped me deal with it.
I hope you find this forum helpful!
Tess x

20-11-12, 11:30
:welcome: xxweebeexx :bighug1:

20-11-12, 12:39
oh no, not someone else with this horrible affliction, it's horrible isnt it? I have ups & downs with it. When there's no 'threat' it just disappears into the background but if 'something' happens (or I see 'something' - not going into any details here, no way) it then rears it's ugly head & consumes me
bn having a panic over it since yest p.m when a colleague was ill. prob sounds ridiculous but i was disinfecting all the door handles @ work & changed the towel in the loo in an attempt to 'stop it spreading'. I mean, i have no evidence that 'it' is contagious but have been desperately trying to distract myself by keeping busy. the inevitable happens of course that the thoughts come back & physical feelings too. i know that me thinking about it will do absolutely nothing to influence whether i catch anything but i really wish i could just be less caught up in this whole thing. its the only time i ever suffer from feelings of true panic.
how i'd love to be cured too. tess, i agree anxiety it causes is crippling and depressing. i discussed it with my therapist when i did cbt; i didnt want to but it did help. i'm better than i used to be for sure since the cbt. probably my fear rises & falls also with how much stress there is in my life too. at the moment there's lots so of course the phobia is more active.
i get paranoid when i contribute on the forum about this as it does highlight my fears, just bl@@dy typical that having commented on threads recently this terrible thing happened at work (like my biggest fear.....). still, i am using techniques to calm myself down so that i dont go overboard. i wonder if hypnotherapy would work? i have an intense fear of spiders too; maybe i could do both things at once....

20-11-12, 13:26
I've often wondered about hypnotherapy, but to be honest I'm not sure I believe it would work for me.
I'm sorry you've had to experience your worst nightmare at work recently, the same thing happened to me about 2 months ago but with 3 different people in as many days! Let's just say it resulted in me quiting this job and finding a new job in the same day! That wasn't the main reason, but it was a tipping point for me!
It is reassuring to know that we are not alone. I think half the battle is getting people to understand why you feel the way you do, which is the beauty of this forum, meeting others who suffer too and can completely empathise and sympathise with us from personal experience.
We're all in this together :)

20-11-12, 18:17
'Ello there xxweebeexx! And welcome to the forums.

26-11-12, 17:23
ok.... there is light at the end of the tunnel, perhaps it is just a case of "riding it out" so it would seem
recently survived my worst nightmare......a colleague got sick at work (see my post below); it was a major panic for me at the time - i was seriously scared about catching something. my colleague was then off sick for 2 days which, although i missed her, i was glad about as it meant i didnt have to get anywhere near someone who'd been sick recently. but another colleague kept going on about it.... iwanted to tell them to shut up - it was like they were obsessed!!! do we really care why she was sick? for goodness sake just stop thinking about it let alone talking about it
that was a week ago now & no-one else got ill. the panic's over. all thoughts about it have (almost) subsided as no-one else got ill (not even my colleagues family).
i know that when something happens to really trigger my phobia, i'm in full panic mode. its the only thing i ever truly have panic over. most other things i can keep in perspective as the "worst that will happen" is usually i'll cry in front of someone and though that's disturbing it isnt physically gross.
at least i survived, it just shows that when i'm triggered i can expect a few days of rather uncomfortable fear. but at least it goes away - and then i have to focus away from this horrid thing & get back on with life as per normal.....
hopefully there's comfort in here somewhere for my fellow emetephobes!

05-12-12, 19:38
hey everybody!!! thank you all for being so kind and helpful towards me!! your all so lovely :) i think the thing i find most helpful on here is too know im not alone in this ....i have always felt like im the only person in the world that suffers this horrible phobia, but i realise now how common it is. I do believe hypnotherapy helped me but it wasnt a cure it just helped relax and calm me down very much which then helps with the anxiety attacks, im goin for cbt on xmas eve! lol so i hope n pray it helps me, i wont take meds due to the side effects so they arent an option for me. im sorry if im not replying to everybody properly.... im not sure how this website works yet!

05-12-12, 19:42
No problem at all! :hugs:Good luck for your CBT on Christmas Eve! Hope everything works out well for you. If you need any help or support then feel free to talk to us, we will all try our best to help.

05-12-12, 19:49
hey tess, thanks for your lovely reply.... i do suffer awful panic attacks due to the phobia. i have tried cbt and hypnothereapy which i found to be very helpful also....im actually starting cbt again on xmas eve lol the last time i had it was nearly ten years ago and it helped me enormosly.... i was housebound at the time due to this horrible life ruining phobia!!!! i hate it so much but i will beat it one day once and for all.... i have 3 beautiful children so letting it beat me just isnt an option!!!! i cant take meds tho as im too afraid of the side effects....r the tabs u have started taking agreeing wit you ok???? :)

---------- Post added at 19:49 ---------- Previous post was at 19:45 ----------

thank you rls
can u tell me am i replying the rite way??? do u just hit qr? how r u keeping? i know you said you were in a state over this tummy bug goin round and i also am excatly like that... tho i ended up wit it last week as my youngest daughter had it and passed it on to me :( i wasnt actually sick tho just really really naeuses.... i think i can hold it in? does anybody else feel that way? ive heard its common for people with emetophobia to go for years and years without actually bein sick?????

05-12-12, 19:56
Haha, don't worry! You're doing just fine.

Mhmm, I guess I've been OK recently, I've been doing things to distract myself from the thought of this horrid virus. It definitely seems to work.

Sorry to hear about you and your daughter catching this dreaded virus! It truly is awful. I have not had the Norovirus for over 8 years now, but I do feel extremely nauseous occasionally and convinced I'm going to be sick, but I never am. I, also think I have the power to hold it down, as strange as that sounds. So nope, you're not the only one!

I've known some emetophobes that haven't been sick for over 40 years! It's crazy isn't it? I haven't thrown up since the last time I had this virus, so quite a long time ago. I hope I never do again either!

Take care. :hugs: