View Full Version : I need to worry, anyone else?

18-08-06, 12:37
If I have a symptom or read about a disease, I have to worry about it, or else I feel like I'll definately get it.
Its like if I don't worry about it, fate will make it happen.
Does this make sense to anyone?

18-08-06, 12:40
Unfortunately I think I know what you mean. If you don't worry about the plane going to crash, or that you will die an untimely death then you are almost inviting fate to make it happen. It's a bit like, if you worry you ward off an evil destiny(??). Crikey, that sounds mental!!

Kay x

18-08-06, 12:42
I know!!!!LOL
I think HA is definately linked to OCD

18-08-06, 13:04
i have (in my time) been to the docs and demanded to know if i had CJd (they apparantly dont have any tests for it)

I have broken down in tears on a poor optician whilst getting my eyes tested

and dont even get me started on the panic i feel when i see ONE MAGPIE!!!

18-08-06, 13:06
I think we all have the constant worrying thing. Im not happy unless I have something to worry about so you aint alone. We are all here for each other.

Take Care



18-08-06, 13:10
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
and dont even get me started on the panic i feel when i see ONE MAGPIE!!!

<div align="right">Originally posted by nattynoo - 18 August 2006 : 14:04:21</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Oh my god!!!! I have a ritual of salutings and sayings when I see one magpie (absolute nightmare)

18-08-06, 13:14
its a nightmare isnt it!! i force other people to look at them with me and all sorts!!!

18-08-06, 13:33
Wow, I can't believe you have raised this topic - I have always felt like this but was too embarrassed to tell anyone as it sounds so loopy! But I feel that if I worry enough about something it won't happen, and if I don't worry about it then it definitely will.

And as for the magpie thing ....

My other fear is things happening in 3's - if 2 bad things happen then I am just waiting for the third and I can't rest until I find it.

I put it all down to superstitions with me, but I have just started reading a book about beating anxiety that I found at the library, and they actually class health anxiety as part of OCD - because of the constant checking of your body for symptoms. I guess the "worrying to prevent it from happening" is also another kind of ritual.

19-08-06, 04:39
[xx(]I now what you mean!! For me its like im willing the plane to stay in the air. It does sound crazy. Its so comforting to know Im not alone .

19-08-06, 04:42
Right now I have had a pain in my stomach (mild to severe) for about a week. I have googled ulcers, but cannot stay away from thinking its the "c" word. I always think its the worst. My friend calls me chicken little (the sky is falling!) Pretty sad.

29-08-06, 03:51

How funny - I cant believe other people think like this as well! I have always thought, when Im worried about an illness, that if I dont worry then it will happen and if I worry enough it wont! It's like I tell myself that expelling enough energy worrying about it will ward it off!!

I have been to a psych about health anxiety (it helped but it is still a problem). I told her about this and she said something like this:

Why do you think that your mind would be so powerful to change things? The power of your mind, no matter how hard you try, cannot change PHYSICAL things. Illnesses are something that exist - no one in the history of the universe could change things that exist with their mind - what makes you think you are any different!?!

Sort of puts it into perspective doesnt it. I absolutely agree with it but the problem was - the next time I worried about something, sure enough I couldnt not worry because I thought "Well it has worked for me every other time - what if I dont worry and it happens this time!!"


I also do this stupid superstitian thing - if Im thinking about something that Im worried about when Im driving and I go through a set of lights I will say to myself "If the light stays green its ok. If it turns red then I have (insert illness here)"


29-08-06, 10:27
I agree with just about everything said which is scary.
another thing i do is there will be a health problem I have of long standing example is that i have ectopic heartbeats, totally harmless had them for 20 years and they come in attacks that last a couple of weeks.
I will not notice them for a months or so then one day I will think
" oh I haven't had an attack of ectopic beats for a bit" sure enough next day wham they are back. This seems to apply to lots of health symtoms.
Does anyone else do this??

29-08-06, 14:36

That makes total sense to me
I feel if i dont worry,then fate will punish me in some way,its not the right way to think at all,but i totally identify with it

Hunny x